chapter 7

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 ⠀⠀The kiss by the campfire couldn't have lasted more than two seconds, less than that even, but for Kalani it felt like eternity.⠀⠀

⠀⠀Her best friend and the boy she was in love with, kissing.⠀⠀

⠀⠀It was too much. Much too much. So much it felt as if her head would explode.⠀⠀

⠀⠀The kiss had actually lasted about as long as it took for Josh to place his lips on Ava's and for her to push him roughly away.⠀⠀

⠀⠀"What the hell Josh?!" She shrieked, leaping to her feet in anguish. "Firstly, I am not your bitch. Secondly, dude, I don't bat that way!"⠀⠀

⠀⠀"W-what?" Josh stuttered clearly showing that the combination of rejection and conversations about sexuality had made his brain explode.⠀⠀

⠀⠀"I'm gay." Ava said, rolling her eyes.⠀⠀

⠀⠀"And that's my girlfriend."⠀⠀

⠀⠀The night had just got a lot more complicated because Maddie was also on her feet in anger, glaring at Josh and walking over to where Ava stood aghast.⠀⠀

⠀⠀Nia choose that exact moment to diffuse the tension. "Oh my god congratulations!" She shrieked, running over to hug Ava first, then Maddie. "How long?"⠀⠀

⠀⠀"Six months." Ava said blushing at all the attention she was being paid. Maddie just smiled happily, lacing her fingers through Ava's.⠀⠀

⠀⠀Resurfacing from the nightmare that was the kiss, Kalani hurried over to join the hugging. She was honestly so proud of her two friends and so happy that they had found each other. Right now she wanted nothing more than to hear all the little anecdotes that had happened in the last six months that they had been to shy to tell her. Smiling happily as she pulled away from hugging Maddie, she saw Josh trying to catch her eye.⠀⠀

⠀⠀Channeling all of her hurt and sadness at what she deemed as his rejection, she glared at him. He took the message and sidled away, fading into the shadows of the woods. Trying to squash down the pang as she watched him walk away, she turned to her best friends. "So where did you two have your first kiss?" She asked, and was relieved at how easily she had slipped into the realm of girl talk and the lengthy discussion of her new favourite couple.⠀⠀

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