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Hi.  So we aren't close anymore.  But...might as well explain this one too.  So we met over a mutual hatred of History.  The class.  And the teacher.  But then ended up loving it and becoming really close.  Soon enough we were queens of quizzes and history.  We were more real-life friends then texting and crap.  We were also roomies for our trip to Washington DC.  That was interesting.  That led to DMCs beyond compare.  Spilling secrets and playing truth or truth, turning it into would you rather.  I'd say we're still friends, but I don't know your end of it.  After some deep crap happened at the end of last year, I have no idea.  I just know that I've been invited to walk somewhere after school with Eggs, Horse and you.  It's quite alarming.  I think you and Eggs are dating.  But that's just me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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