17. Gym

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By valentine fan fiction on tumblr

I awoke to the soft sound of music drifting from the lounge area of the hotel suite that we were residing in for this part of Justin's tour. The curtains were still drawn although it was light outside, and the lack of warmth that surrounded my body told me that Justin had left to do something already. This was a normal occurrence for us, and it wasn't that he wanted to leave me to wake up alone, rather that he would be doing something that he knew I wouldn't mind missing and didn't want to wake me when I could be resting.

My eyes focussed on the room around me as I sat up, stretching my arms out in the glorious king sized bed and smiling to myself as I realised yet again how good my life had gotten, how lucky I was. My eyes wandered to the open door of the closet and I noticed that Justin's gym bag was vacant, indicating immediately where he was and why he hadn't taken me with him. His personal trainer had always said I was an unhealthy distraction even if all I was doing was watching, and although I disagreed (on the contrary, Justin actually seemed to work harder when I was there because he was trying to impress me) I stayed away from the gym to make sure that everyone was happy. Today would not be one of those days. I could use a good work out myself, and I figured that the one hour training session that Justin had in the mornings would be close to over once I got down there.

I pulled myself out of bed, deciding that I would leave the shower until after the gym and quickly washed up before slipping on my gym clothes and grabbing my bag from the closet. I had made note of where the gym was when we had entered the hotel as I often liked to work out to blow of some steam or when I was bored, and so I made my way down there without problems.

When I got there, the door was locked and a sign told me that there was a personal training session in progress, that the gym wouldn't be open to the general public until 12pm. Looking at my watch I saw that it was only 9am, and that the hotel must have extorted Justin out of money saying that he could only hire the gym for a certain amount of time. Either that or he was going for a 3 hour training session which seemed less than likely.

I knocked softly on the door, and then a little harder when I knew that they wouldn't have heard me and heard footsteps that belonged to Paul pacing towards the door. His big arms swiftly unlocked and opened the door, obviously ready to shout at the person that had interrupted until he saw me.

"What are you doing here, Lauren?" He sighed, sounding more disappointed than angry.

"I just wanted to work out, I'll just use one of the cross trainers for a little bit and I won't say a word" I immediately pleaded my case as I knew what he was like and if I didn't give him reason to let me stay right away he would just shut the door in my face. He sighed and nodded, stepping aside and letting me in to the elaborate gym.

It was bigger than I had expected, with mirrors lining all of the walls, and the floor space filled with different machines. I ran my eyes across the different apparatus, wondering which to try first. Although I said that I would just use the cross trainer, I knew that a good work out meant using more than one machine and I immediately created a routine in my head before my eyes fell on the weights station.

Justin was standing facing one of the mirrors in a baggy white shirt and half undone denim dungarees. His fashion choices astounded me recently, so it wasn't exactly a shock that he had chosen to wear something so ungym worthy to work out in. Paul, his personal trainer, was visibly annoyed by Justin's choice of clothing with every action that he was guiding him through and it made me chuckle to see his facial expression each time his eyes fell on the blue fabric. Justin caught me looking at him in the mirror and flashed a grin my way through a mirror, knowing that he couldn't say anything without his trainer getting mad and so he stayed quiet.

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