38. Facetime

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By au-biebs on tumblr

Justin was currently away promoting and living it up all around the world whilst I stayed at home by myself, wasting away. Why? I hear you ask – because of school. Part of me regretted going to college, but other parts told me I’d benefit from it.

He was in New Zealand at the moment so with the 20 hour time difference, it was hard to make contact. Yes, TWENTY. I missed hearing his voice, a lot, and just his overall presence. Time seemed to be dragging without him here.

It was 2am and I found myself tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep without my significant other. Seeing the empty space on the opposing side of our king bed make me sad, I missed him. Justin had said he wasn’t ready to get back to the states just yet, but I didn’t take it personally, I knew he was having fun – I just wished I was having fun with him.

As if on cue, my phone began to ring. My heartbeat sped up as I saw Justin’s caller ID pop up, my ringtone sounding through my ears.

“Baby!” I exclaimed, unable to wipe the smile off of my face. “Hey babe, did I wake you?” His raspy voice asked, God I missed him so much.

“Not at all, I was just thinking about you.” I replied, sitting up against my headboard, running a hand through my hair. “How is everything?”

“I’m having so much fun, but I miss you.” Justin admitted, causing me to pout, “I miss you, too. How much longer until I get to see you?”

“Honestly, baby, I don’t know…” He sighed.

After a few more minutes of conversation, we got onto a lighter note, not wanting to get upset about the distance between us. I was more awake than ever, since I refused to fall asleep because I wanted to talk to Justin for as long as I could.

“Baby? I’m horny…” He shyly admitted, “I need you so bad.”

“If you’re trying to get me hot and bothered, congratulations.” I sighed, kicking the comforter off of me, my bare legs coming into view.

“Can we, uh, have phone sex? Nobody is around, I promise.” I could hear the desperation in his voice.

My cheeks flushed a deep pink colour, he’d never been so forward about a topic like this since we’d only done it a few times before and he knew how I felt about openly masturbating.

“One second.” I said, hanging up. Reaching for my tablet and going onto my FaceTime contacts, I pressed his name and awaited an answer. It took a few minutes to connect, but once I saw my gorgeous boyfriend’s face pop up on my screen, I smile returned. He was in bed, shirtless and boy was that a sight I missed.

“I thought that was your way of telling me no.” He laughed, referring to me hanging up on him.

“No, if we’re doing it, we’re doing it properly.” I smirked, reaching to place my iPad against the footboard. We’d only ever done it over the phone, so I wanted to it up a notch. I watched as Justin’s expression changed and he returned the look.

“Take your shirt off, baby.” He said, his voice deeper than previous. Giggling, I played with the hems of Justin’s shirt that I was wearing and pulled it over my head to reveal my braless breasts. I watched as he tugged his plump bottom lip between his teeth and sighed, “Like what you see?”

“Very much so.” He replied, not taking his eyes off of me, but throwing the comforter off of himself. Taking my left hand, I slowly ran it down my body before reaching for my boobs and giving them a squeeze. Glancing at my boyfriend through heavy eyes, I watched as he rubbed himself through his boxers.

“Take them off, babe.” I requested, pulling the waistband of my own panties away before allowing it to snap back against my now hot skin.

He nodded and pulled down his Calvin’s, feeling myself get wet as I watched his boner hit his abs. “Are you wet for me, baby girl?” He asked, taking his length in his hand, causing me to nod, “Show me how wet you are.”

Pulling down my thong slowly, I parted my legs and ran a hand along my centre. “Good girl. Now, rub your clit for me – imagine my hands.”

Closing my eyes, I pictured many of Justin and I’s heated love making sessions, causing my skin to burn.

“Mmm, baby.” I sighed, moving my finger in circular motions, “Baby, I miss you. All of you.”

“Tell me what you miss.” He ordered, “I-i miss your fingers, your tongue… y-your cock…”

Opening my eyes, I witnessed Justin swiftly moving his hand up and down himself, a slight glistening of sweat forming on his abs.

“Baby I miss you too,” He groaned, “O-okay, put a finger in, or two… I know how tight you are.”

Complying, I ran two fingers up and down my wet slit before pushing them inside, a gasp leaving my lips. “Oh, baby… yes,” I heard him grunt in the background.

I felt bad that I wasn’t really being vocal enough for him, he was doing all the talking – but hey, he seems to be doing fine.

“Justin,” I panted, reaching up to grab my right breast.

“Keep going, baby girl.” He urged, small moans leaving his mouth as he watched me intently. “I w-wish this was you.” I managed to get out.

“Me too, babe… me too,” He agreed, “God this is so hot.” He growled.

“Oh,” I moaned loudly, throwing my head back, “J-justin, baby… I can’t m-uch longer.”

“Fuck, I’m almost there.” He grunted, his hand moving faster than before. I watched as his brow furrowed, eyes shut and his jaw dropped open slightly. He was a work of art and it pleased me to know that I was the one to get this Greek God of a man into such a state.

Reaching my high, my body shook as I let out a moan loud enough for my neighbours to hear.

“Oh shiiitt…” Justin groaned, my area throbbed as I watched him release himself over his abs. Justin was so hot and it wasn’t good for my body, seeing him cum made me practically soak the bedsheets all over again.

“T-that was incredible.” He panted, I nodded in agreement, “It was, baby.”

“Same time tomorrow?” He smirked, reaching for the box of tissues he had on the bedside table.

“Got it, I love you.”

“I love you, too, princess. Get some rest.” He smiled, I nodded and reached for the decline button. My body felt like jello and I found myself falling asleep in a matter of minutes, completely satisfied – for now.

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