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When I get up I'm not in a good mood, I'm just not feeling it. Getting in the shower. For a quick wash.

Throwing on a tight fitting black shirt that says Just Do It, white joggers,Nike slides. Throwing my hair in a messy bun. Leaving Zoe asleep.

Walking out I grab a apple. Noticing nobody else is up. Grabbing my keys and phone leaving out the door.

First stop, the florist I get some white roses. Next stop a camera shop, asking what's the best one they have. Getting everything it needs. Last stop a book store picking 10 books plus one that can be written in. Making my way back home.

"Hey where you been"

"Um just getting last minute presents"

"You good"


Hearing my phone ring.
Zoe has it in his hand. Which he has a pissed off expression.

Basically throwing my phone. I see that it's Wes.

Zoe storms out the room. He acts like I'm his girlfriend. He can suck my dick.



"What's up Wes?"

"Just calling to check up on you"

"I'm OK. Yourself?"

"Living. I miss you"

Sighing to myself. I walk to the window looking at the view in front of me.

"No you don't. You miss the thought of me"

"No I miss you. They say you don't know what you have until it's gone. I realize that now. Too late huh"

"You will find the right one. She will make you happy. Where you won't have to look at another"

"I had that,I just made stupid decisions"

"Yea well it's apart of life. But I have to go. Take care of yourself. Call me if you need me"

I hang up before he can say another word.A lonely tear streams down but I wipe it away quickly that's my past. There's no going back. It'll change for the moment,but my pain from him will remain. It's a cycle,because this time I know I will try to hurt him just as much as he's hurt me. So he can feel me.

Coming out my room. Seeing Zoe laying on his bed looking at the ceiling.

"What's your problem?"


"So you don't have nothing to get off your chest"



Walking away yo-yo grabs me.

"Do y'all feel like going out tonight?"

I look at Ace he looks tired.



She walks away to the pool I'm assuming by her bathing suit.

Grabbing Ace by the arm leading him to my room. Sitting him on the bed. I go to his room grabbing him some clothes. When I come back he's in the exact same spot.

Blowing air out my mouth. I go to the bathroom running a steamy bath. Putting salts plus oils in with the bubbles. Lighting a few candles. Turning on some relaxing music .

I lead Ace to the bathroom. Removing his clothes. Sitting him in the tub.


He finally looks me in the eyes. Nodding once.

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