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When we get back to the house,I go straight to my room. Ace looks at me with questions. I just nod my head.

Going in my room locking the door behind me. I go to my closet to retrieve my black box. Sighing to myself. Trying to keep my tears at Bay.

Opening the box of memories. Picking up a picture of mama,she was so beautiful. She had long blond hair but with exotic green,blue eyes,but the other eye was Hazel. Slim waist with Carmel skin. No booty to save her life but breast and legs for days. Men were always after her.

Going to the next it's me and Miguel smiling ear to ear in our backyard. He has his arm thrown around me. We have purple mouths from our Popsicle. One of best days. We would sit in the back and talk for hours about any and everything.

Pushing that one to the side. It's me and Tru,we're laying on the couch together. He's laying between my legs while I twist his hair. He's mugging the camera,while I'm beaming at the camera. A lone tear falls down my face. I miss the fuck out of that man.

There's a knock at the door,I hurry to put everything back in the box,putting it back in my closet.


Opening it up its Ace. Moving back so he can enter.

"What's up?"


"You good?"

"Yea Ace I'm good,you good?"

"I guess,Yo-yo I mean I don't know. It's like I think she feels that I should be cool with her by now. That everything should go back to normal. I can't do that, I don't even see her in the same light as I once did. It's crazy I went from wanting her to not wanting her even in the same room"

He sits on the bed putting his head in his hands. I walk over rubbing his back.

"You know you don't have to get back with her. If you not feeling her anymore shit let her know. Don't waste your time or life for something that's simply not there anymore pa.
You know what fuck that for now. Now what do you want to do tonight?"

"I want to go to the club"

"Really,that's all we do"

"Yea,but tonight I'm a free man it's a difference"

He begins humping the air

Rolling my eyes while laughing

"I guess"

Zoe walks in looking between the two of us with a eyebrow up.

"We're going out once again"

He turns back around I guess to get ready.

Jumping in the shower to wash all this goodness. When I get out I put on a black and turquoise tight fitting long sleeve dress the side is completely out held by black strips  that stops just above my knees. A pair of black red bottoms with spikes on the heel. Hair is going to flow tonight.
Walking out the room. Zoe stands there waiting.

"Dame you look amazing. "

"Thank you"

Walking out to meet Ace and Yo-yo. I can't shake the feeling something bad is going to happen tonight. It would be my luck.

We decided to go to a new club that just opened. It's called Toxic,really people really.

When you walk in its nice. Poles on each side with dancers on them,not those skinny sick looking ones. The colors are glow in the dark. Everybody looks like there having a good time. So fuck it

Zoe grabs me taking me to VIP. He orders a bottle of something. I'm not really paying attention,I feel eyes on me but I can't place the eyes anywhere. So I just pass it off as being paranoid.

Yo-yo is acting clingy. Ace looks annoyed. Telling Zoe I'll be back, grabbing Ace by the hand walking to the bar. I see Yo sizing me up but I don't give a dam.

"You good pa?"

"Yea,but ya girl is about to get her feelings hurt"

"You know shit ain't the same with me and her. I don't know it's hard to explain"

"Naw I understand,fuck it we here to have a good time"

"Excuse me,can I get 6shots of vodka?"

"Coming right up beautiful"

He places the drinks in front of us. We take them back like some champs. The eyes are back on me,so I look up only to see Zoe with guess what a bitch on his lap. His eyes are on me telling me he knows exactly what he's doing. He looks zoned out thou.

Ace goes to my line of view shaking his head. Ordering more shots. After I'm done I grab Ace's hand to go to the dance floor . We dance to the music just having fun. For some reason my eyes wander back to Zoe. And what I see boils my fucking blood. Yo-yo is straddling Zoe while his head is thrown back. She looks at me with a smirk on her face. The fuck?

"I need to go Ace"

Tears start falling down but for what he's not my nigga.

Ace looks at me then to them looking heated.

He looks to me one last time wiping my tears kissing my lips. Taking me off my game for a moment.

"You can do better baby girl"

"I know"

Walking away out the door. The cool air feels good against my sticky skin. I start walking no where really. Just trying to catch a breather.

A black van turns down the road and for some reason my mind tells me to run I do just that. Running as fast as I can thinking bitch you really think you can out run a car. It blocks me off I have nowhere to run. Two bulky guys jump out the van.

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

"Fuck she sexy"

Grabbing me roughly throwing a cloth over my face. I try to hold my breath as long as I can. But I lose the battle. All I remember is my mama singing a lullaby when I was little. Everything goes black.

Why me?

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