Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mitchie's POV

“You’re being serious right now?!” I questioned as I stared at my mate’s beautifully sculpted chest whilst he lay on the bed, and I all but forgot about continuing to dry my hair with the towel in my hand.

“Yup. I’m banning you from touching me. It’s as simple as that.” Derek said as he stared up at the ceiling, and I could tell that he was impassive.

“Shouldn’t it be the female in the relationship who bans the male from touching her,” I tried joking with him as I sat down on the bed next to him.

Derek growled, and I knew he wasn’t in the joking mood, which I should have really gathered from his ‘ban’, which of course is completely serious when it comes to men.

When I had returned to the motel, all four of them had been standing in tense stances, which all erupted in them either shouting at me (Tom), growling at me for being stupid enough to go out alone after the attack on me earlier (Nate), giving me a disappointed shake of his head (Craig) and a powerful stare off of Derek that even now I could not begin to fathom.

But I guess I was about to find out.

“Do you know how much worry you put me through every day?” Derek said his voice as impassive as his facial expression, and he continued to stare at the ceiling, and it was absolutely torture that I couldn’t look into his ocean eyes. “Do you know how hard it is for me to rein in my Alpha male and my wolf whenever it comes to being with you? It’s a struggle every day to not be possessive, to not be over-bearing and over-protective; but that’s how male wolves are Mitchie. And I’m constantly fighting my inner instinct because I know you’re going through enough without having to handle that as well.

“But honestly, it’s like you take it for granted. That I’m always gonna be the rock, be the push over, while you are the strong one and I’m just there to give support. Do you know what a blow to the ego that is? That you see me as your anchor rather than your partner, that you rely on Craig to be there for you, to defend you, rather than your own mate?”

Horror washed over me as I thought about what he was saying. “I don’t take you for granted–”

He growled and finally snapped his face to me. “Yes you do, Mitchie.” He took a deep breath and turned towards the ceiling, and I almost grabbed his face to turn to me again, but I knew that would probably anger him more.

“But your right in thinking that I’m always gonna be here. I’m not strong enough to leave you, and I don’t want to either. And I know that hunting that bastard is important for you to get over this milestone and protect the ones we love, and I’m not pushing that away. But you have to understand that when you do things that put you in danger – like going out alone like you did earlier without telling any of us! – Then I’m gonna get mad! Yes, I know you can protect yourself and are powerful enough to handle anything that comes your way. But I’m your mate, I’m gonna worry, and my wolf is gonna want to show you dominance when you do stupid things like that – especially since we are not even fully mated yet and therefore have no way to pinpoint your exact location!”

My lips were parted as I watched him as if words wanted to come out, but my throat was so walled up with the agony within me that everything that I could say was instantly choked back.

My wolf was yipping and growling at me, telling me what he was saying was right, that I was taking it for granted. That I hadn’t at all ever considered what he must be up against when he has to deal with me; his feminist, powerful hybrid of a mate.

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