Chapter 8

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Whoever hasnt seen the Avengers must do!!!! Golly goshness what an amazing movie!! And so what that I watched it ages ago, that doesnt mean I cant exclaim about it, right? lol

But enough about that lol enjoy.


Chapter 8

Mitchie's POV

“Okay, so what are we doing here again?” Tom asked, with impatience and frustration leaking heavily into his tone as we stood in amongst large looming trees in a forest nowhere near the direction we had first been headed for.

“For the last time Tom, we are following the compass!” Nate said, his protectiveness for his mate slightly riding on everyone’s nerves, especially since there was no cause for it.

“No need to have a hissy fit, Nate, just calm down.” Derek said as he crossed his arms, the Alpha in him emerging as he no doubt sensed the chaos about to build up.

After getting into the car after her chat with her leader, Lauren had offered us all a smile before asking nicely for Craig to go in the direction the compass was currently telling her to head.

I’m not saying she did it in a really insincere way. This girl was anything but fake, in fact she even reminded me a lot of Zoey my best friend, and I had instantly taken a liking to her.

But I make decisions, and expect to be heard, I mean I’m a She-Wolf for craps sake! I only follow my true Alpha’s and my mate’s decisions. Anyone else, can get stuffed.

So you could feel my extreme discomfort at having being led by someone I don’t know if I should trust, Cousin’s mate or not, and someone who was not giving any information to us in return even though we all knew that the Slayer had given her some instruction or whatnot about what was about to happen on this journey.

And after driving round for ages not knowing exactly what the game plan was except for doing what a glowing piece of card told us to, and then getting out of the jeep to go on a trek deep within the most unruly forest I’d ever seen (and I’ve seen plenty of them in my lifetime as sure you know) I was getting incredibly frustrated.

I mean, why on earth must we have to go on a hiking trip to see my grandmother?

Of course there were many scenarios running in my mind at the possibilities that maybe we had to endure a series of tests before actually getting to our destination, but honestly, we were all at our wits end and not because of this hike either.

Tom, the infinitely impatient one, had gotten bored within the first half-hour, and when he got bored he got both entertaining and annoying, though which one, mattered on the perspective of the person.

After almost three hours of his ranting and raving, I think we were all thinking of getting a branch and walloping him over the head, and only Craig’s pleading face was stopping me from doing so.

But not only was there just that, but there was also the fact that Nate was constantly over-shadowing his mate, pulling leaves and branches out of the way for her with no worry for the rest of us, and if anyone of us tried to question what was going on with the compass or her sense of direction, he’d immediately snap at us.

Now him, there was nothing to refrain me from hitting him, because if Blondie got in my way, I’d take her down with me.

A tired and hungry She-Wolf with no knowledge of a plan with annoying people surrounding her, with two monsters rattling inside her to try and control; well if that’s not a recipe for disaster then I don’t know what is.

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