Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Mitchie's POV

I exchanged a startled look with Craig, both of us immediately concentrating on the last name. It had to be a coincidence. So what if she had our Witch last name, it doesn’t instantly mean that she was related to us. Right?

But in the Supernatural World there were no coincidences and therefore the possibility was inevitable.

We were the only two to make the connection as Derek was too busy staring it out with Mr Brawny, Tom was making faces at Liam as he was still silently inspecting Craig and me with his intelligent blue eyes, and Nate was too busy looking into his mate’s eyes to even think about the possibility having another relative.

Izzy however didn’t miss our silent exchange. “I’m sensing that our paths were meant to cross for a reason. And here is not the place to discuss it. So why don’t you go back to your car and meet us at this address?”

A card appeared in her hand and she held it out in front of her towards me.

I walked slowly toward her, apprehension exerting within me with every step I took, not at all liking the way her and her mate were appraising me as if they found the solution to a problem they were having.

Not to mention I had no desire whatsoever to go anywhere near that aura of hers, as the closer I got the more relaxed I became, as if all my problems would be instantly solved now that I was around her and that this was the safest place I could be in the whole world.

I solved my own problems. The only place I needed to feel safe was in my mate’s arms.

But to tell that to the two beings inside me, who were both bathing in it with delight.

I silently wondered if this was what everyone felt like when they were within my aura’s range, and whether or not that had anything to do with the fact that people trusted me so readily.

I took the card from her hand without us touching as over the past two years I’ve become wary of making any physical link with someone I’ve just met in a way to control the visions that normally occur when I do.

As I stepped back they all grasped hands, and with a wink and a statement of us seeing each other in five minutes, Izzy transported them out of the alleyway with a flash of blue light that was so bright I had to cover my eyes instantly so they wouldn’t disintegrate in my eye sockets.

“Come on, let’s go.” Nate said as he grabbed my hand and tugged me back where we came from everyone following behind us hurriedly, and I was too overloaded with information to protest or even tease him for his brisk pace.

We all got seated and I handed Craig the card without even looking at it, as I was too busy staring at Nate almost bounce up and down in his seat in agitation.

“Looks like someone’s whipped already. Commanding Officer Nate has found his true love, wow. Look at you fidgeting! Your PMSing almost as much as Derek first was.” Tom chuckled to himself as the car sped to our location.

“Shut up,” Derek growled as he leaned over and hit his cousin over the head. “Don’t forget the immediate shrine you built of Craig’s photo’s that you’d gotten by hacking his Facebook account, and all the lipstick marks on his faces that you placed on his faces and other body parts by stealing Tiffany’s red lipstick and putting it on your lips and-”

Tom took off his seatbelt and leaned over to slap his hand over Derek’s mouth, all of us staring at him in stunned silence, even Craig looked a bit wigged out though from his expression he was only listening to half of the conversation, his thoughts somewhere else.

She-Wolf Chronicles: Vengeful Hunting (3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon