Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Mitchie's POV

I gasped as I was brought back to consciousness, bringing myself into a sitting position as I tried to increase my equilibrium and sanity.

As I gained back my perspective I noticed Tom and Craig looking at me with worry as they perched on the bed next to me in the dark bedroom.

“What…what happened? Where’s Derek?” I croaked and my hand went up to my throat in shock at how dry it was.

Craig handed me a glass of water and kissed my forehead. “Gosh, you scared me there, Michelley. Do you not remember anything?”

I shrugged, downing the glass in one go. “I remember us about to enter the hotel and then everything went dark and…I had the craziest dream of a wolf and me with red eyes and sharp glowing claws fighting.”

Tom and Craig exchanged glances as if confirming something they had been talking about.

“That explains why you lost consciousness, having two monsters fight within you when you’re already weak from using your powers and your witch taking control…” Craig whispered as he poured me another glass of water.

“Wait…what?” I spluttered in shock and sat up completely, making my head spin.

“Hey, take it easy, lie back down.” Tom said gently as he put an arm around my shoulders to guide me back on the bed.

“I’m fine, stop.” I groaned as I shrugged him off and put my head in my hands. “My witch came out? How is that possible? I thought that I had it under control by now!”

Craig shrugged. “You were exhausted from using the powers you get from that side of you, and you gave her an anchor to pull herself out. It’s not your fault.”

I just closed my eyes and shook my head. “You still haven’t told me where my mate is?”

“He’s gone with the Blonde Bitches to scout out the hotel, and see if they can find the next card.” Tom grinned from beside me, no doubt at his name for Nate and Lauren.

I sighed and dropped back down on the bed, my eyes taking in the crevasses of the ceiling so I didn’t have to look at them. “I didn’t…I didn’t hurt anyone did I?”

When they didn’t answer straight away, I forced myself to look back at them and saw them smile comfortingly.

“No babe, don’t worry. The worst you did was bitch at the snob/slutty receptionist down stairs,” Tom said as he and Craig got off the bed after placing a kiss on the top of my head. “And trust me when I say she deserved it!”

“Look, we’ll leave you to rest, okay? If you need anything just shout.” Craig said, and with one last reassuring smile from the pair of them, the exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hated feeling like an invalid, but I felt so weak and I knew I wouldn’t be much help with the hunt for the next compass.

But dammit I wanted to see my mate and make sure we were okay.

“Of course we are Angel,” Derek’s presence in my mind made itself known and I immediately felt the tension in my body fade away.

“Oh Derek! So you didn’t get scared away then?” I asked, wanting to make absolute sure that he wasn’t haven’t second thoughts about us.

I could almost feel him roll his eyes at me, making me smile.

“How many times…of course not! No one could do that, not even the evil side of you will deter me.” He said with a growl, and my heart melted at his words, making me ache even more for him to be with me right now.

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