Reunited and Competition

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A/N I don't own Yuri on Ice, only the story and plot

Yura looked behind her and squealed happily.

" YURI!!!" She bounded towards him and hugged him happily. " I can't believe it's you!!"

" Yeah, same here Piglet!" Yuri chuckled, using Yura's old nickname.

Yura pulled back and pouted playfully at him. " Hey, that's not funny," she smirked before she said the next part. "Kitty."

Yuri poked her nose. " Fine, ve're even."

The two laughed as Victor approached them. Yuri glanced over the female's shoulder and glared at the silver-haired male.

" Go avay, you old geezer," Yuri snapped at him. Yura slapped his arm slightly.

" Yuri, be nice." Yura scolded him slightly, and turned to smile at the silver-haired Russian,

" Victor, Yuri is my childhood friend, we met when he transferred to Japan to go to school. Yuri, I'm here at Russia because I'm going to pair-skate with him."

Yuri looked like he was going to explode. " VHAT?!?! YOU ARE GOING TO SKATE VITH THIS OLD GEEZER?!?!"

Victor narrowed his eyes slightly. He may be 27, but it doesn't mean he was an old geezer.

Yura glared at him. "YURI! Learn to have a nice attitude!" She immediately turned to Victor.

Before she could open her mouth to apologise to the older male, he raised up his hand.

" Don't vorry, Yura. He iz alvays like this. I kind of got used to it." He replied, giving her a charming smile.

Yura felt a slight blush dust her cheeks, and adverted her gaze away from Victor.

Yuri rolled his eyes. Victor and his need to woo the female gender. Why did he need to do that? It was annoying.

" Yuri," Yura said looking at the blond skater. He nearly blushed. Her eyes looked so beautifully innocent.

" Y-yes, Yura?" he stammered, inwardly cursing at himself for loosing his composure.

" Yakov and I will be going to the hotel which I will be staying. I will be here tommorow to train with Victor. Okay?" she asked him, waiting for an answer.

Yuri nodded. " Okay, see you tommorow, kitty." He gave Yura a hug and watched her as she walked over to Yakov's side and leaving the rink.

Once she was gone, he turned around and glared at Victor.

" You better not try anything funny vith her, you asshole." he seethed, watching as Victor smirked.

" You love her, don't you?" he said, catching Yuri off guard.

There was a moment of silence before Yuri gave him an answer.

" I do, vhat's it to you?" he retorted, blushing slightly when he told Victor his deep dark secret.

Victor felt his smile falter,a bit, though it felt like he knew the blond would say that.

" How surprising, I do, too. And I don't really like rivals that interfere vith my love life." he looked with amusement when Yuri visibly twitched an eyebrow.

" I feel the same, and I'm definitely not letting her date somevone like you. "

" Vell then, let's have a competition. To vin Yura's love. The vinner gets to date Yura, and the lozer shall respect her desicion. How about it?" He thrusted his hand out for Yuri to shake.

Yuri glanced at his hand and smirked. He shook the older skater's hand firmly.

" May the best man vin."

And that concludes the third chapter of this story! Sorry I haven't updated this story for a while, I'm currently on holiday and writing this on a two-hour long train trip while listening to "Pub and Go!" by APH England from Hetalia.

Yurio: Took you long enough, your readers have been waiting for your updates, and you probably bored them to death.

Rose: H-hey! At least I updated something for " A Dimesional Tune Trilogy oneshots" !

Yuri: It wasn't even a real chapter.


Yuri: *pops from behind the door* Yurio, be nice to Rose.

Victor: *walks in from the kitchen* Yeah!! Or no katsudon for you.

Yuri: *grumbles and walks out*

Thanks guys! Anyways, that's it for this chapter, I will see you very soon(hopefully). Ciao~!

Xoxo Rose

The Dog, the Piglet and the Cat ( Victor x Fem! Yuri x Older! Yurio)Where stories live. Discover now