Double Dinner

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A/N I only own the plot, not the characters(sadly).                                    

Italics: speaking in Russian

The trio had hailed a cab to go to the restaurant. On the way, both Russians introduced and talked about the historical buildings and gorgeous scenery that whizzed by the windows. Yura was fascinated by the lights and the buildings that flew past the cab windows.

In a few moments, the three arrived at a cozy little restaurant that served Russian food. Victor went to the front desk to check their reservation while Yuri and Yura were talking and trailing behind him.

After checking their reservation, the host grabbed three menus and led them to a booth next to a large window.

While walking towards their table, the Japanese skater looked around the restaurant. It was dimly-lit and cozy with chatter and the clatter of silverware in the background.

The host set down their menus and pulled out their seats before telling them that a waiter or waitress would be with them in a moment.

The three sat down and began to flip through the menus, with Yura asking Yuri and Victor about the dishes.

A waitress came up to them and began to take their order.

"Hello, what can I get for the two handsome men and the beautiful lady tonight?" the waitress gave them a pleasant smile. 

"Hello, I would like to have a zharkoye, my friend would like some pirozhki and the lady would like a beef stroganoff." The waitress nodded as she jotted down their orders. "And what would you like to drink this evening?"

"Three red wines please."  The waitress smiled. "Okay then, I'll right back with your drinks."  

After the waitress left, there was a bit of uncomfortable silence surrounding their table. Yura glanced nervously between the two men before fiddling with her fingers. 

The awkward silence continued until their drinks arrived. The wine started flowing and everyone started to loosen up. Victor cracked jokes and Yuri made sarcastic comments here and there, making them laugh.

Their food arrived, and Yura found her new love of Russian food. The trio ate and drank and laughed throughout the dinner, and until they all piled in a cab to take the Japanese skater home. 

As she waved the two Russians goodbye, Yura let out a happy sigh. It has been quite a long time since she had such a fun and amazing dinner. 

After taking a nice hot shower, Yura fell asleep content.

Aaaaah, finally the next chapter for this book! I'm so sorry for not updating lately, but since it's summer now, it means more updates! 

Yurio: You better start updating more or else you're going to drive away your readers. 

Rose: Aah I know, and I'm super sorry for not updating frequently!

Victor: Lay off her, Yurio, she's trying her best. 

Rose: Thank you, Victor! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and be on lookout for new chapters for my other books! See you in the next chapter, ciao!

Xoxo, Rose

The Dog, the Piglet and the Cat ( Victor x Fem! Yuri x Older! Yurio)Where stories live. Discover now