Practice with Victor

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The next day, Yura woke up with butterflies in her stomach. Today was the first day she will begin practice with the world famous heartthrob and ice-skater, Victor Nikiforov.

Was she dreaming? Maybe she should pinch herself-

Ow! So it is real....

' Please don't let me mess up anything today, let me have a good practice with Victor.' She prayed in her head as she got off the comfy bed.

She did her usual morning routine and got dressed and went down to get breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel.

As she was eating, she tried to clam herself a bit. She could not mess up practice today, not in front of Victor Nikiforov. It would be extremely embarrassing.

' Just don't mess anything up you awkward mess' She thought to herself.

She sighed and stole a quick glance at the clock. She nearly spat out her eggs. It was almost eight thirty,
and she needed to be there in half an hour.

Yura quickly finished the remains of her breakfast, got her ice skating gear and went out of the hotel to hail a cab to get to the rink. She can't afford to be late.

~Time skip to the rink~
Yura huffed as she made her way into the ice rink and into the female changing rooms.

She quickly tied her ice skating shoes and raced onto the ice. She took another glance at the clock: one minute to nine.

Just in time.

" Yura! You got here just in time!" The Japanese girl turned around and saw Victor slowing gliding towards her. He looks so graceful in person!

" Y-yeah, I guess. So, are we going to start on the program or...?"

"O-oh, yes! Lets start, so first off..."

Dammit, he accidentally got lost in her eyes! And now he stuttered! He must look like an idiot to her!

Victor was now discussing the program with Yura, who was extremely concentrated on what he was saying, nodding her head every now and then.

She was so close to him, he could just wrap his arms around the small raven and tuck her under his chin perfectly.

No, no, he couldn't think about this right now, he needed to talk about the program with Yura.

She seemed to like the program Victor had choreographed, that made the man swell with pride. Not to toot his own horn, but he was an amazing choreographer.

" So, in ze end, we vill have to skate to ze middle of ze rink, and look each other in ze eyes, okay?" Yura nodded in response as she shift her weight to her other foot.

" Shall ve start?" He asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. Her face was scrunched up in concentration, trying to imagine the program in her head.

" Huh? Oh, sure!" She looked up at him and flashed a lopsided smile.

Victor found himself blushing when he saw the smile, she looked absolutely beautiful.

He hadn't notice that he was staring until Yura waved a hand in front of his face.

" Victor? Are you okay? Lost you for a moment there," she said, putting her hand back to her side.

He blinked a bit before internally cringing at his impolite action. She must think that he was weird and rude, now!

" O-oh, I'm fine, I vas just thinking of something." The female gave him a worried look before smiling again.

" Okay, then lets start!"
~Timeskip to after practice~

Skating with Victor was absolutely amazing, he was so talented! His movements were so fluid and graceful!

It was already after practice, but she was still thinking about it, how can she not though? She was skating with the Victor Nikiforov!

" So, what did you think of the program? Is it too hard?" Victor asked as he sat down next to her to clean his skates. They just finished practice and he had asked for to have dinner with him.

" It was kind of hard in the middle, but I'll manage by practicing." She replied before taking a sip from her water bottle.

" I'm going to go change so that we can go to dinner, I'll be right back." She stood up and waved at him before walking towards the changing rooms.

Victor's gaze lingered on her for a bit before heading to the male changing rooms himself with a smile on his face.

This was going to be a good dinner.

And scene! Sorry that I haven't been updating this story as often. I've been busy at my school choir. Also, I've gotten into Attack in Titan. Lol

Yurio: Tch, you could've written in the time you wasted watching stupid anime.

Rose: I'm sorry, it was really captivating and fun to watch.

Yurio: Whatever, idiot.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter. Sorry if it was extremely bad and wasn't up to your expectations, see you guys in the next chapter, bai~!

Xoxo Rose

The Dog, the Piglet and the Cat ( Victor x Fem! Yuri x Older! Yurio)Where stories live. Discover now