Day 5.4 Revenge - GREY AREA JemmaRyan3

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When a soul is young to the world, everything is black and white. For most, it's a simple time when right and wrong are well-defined structures and the magic of Disney reassures a child that love will conquer all evil.

Alas, as the years roll by, a person becomes jaded. Life takes her cruel paintbrush and mixes the monochromatic palette, until what is left is a murky grey that invades the very conscience, and the clear lines of right and wrong cease to exist. All that remains is a person who tries to justify their actions within their own mind, a soul at war with itself.

The corpse beside me was that person and I despised him for it. I despised his beauty, his Greek-godlike figure and his perfectly manicured hands that reeked of money. He had justified straying from his loving wife and young children because they no longer gave him the attention he desired. His name was Xavier Mecyre, and he chased pretty little things in tight skirts to regain the thrill of his youthful days, and this was the reason I had killed him.

"You have nothing to worry about," he had laughed while nuzzling my neck and sliding a hand dangerously high up the inside of my thigh. "My wife is far too busy with the kids to even notice I'm gone. Besides, you're hotter than she ever was, even before she ruined her body giving birth to those brats."

It was the last time he would ever berate the woman who had borne his offspring, as I plunged the needle into the side of his neck without hesitation. His lust-filled eyes that had previously glowed in the interior lights of his Mercedes turned from heat to intense shock. His body twitched and writhed as the last throes of life ebbed away. It was all over in under a minute, and I watched on silently as the lethal concoction excelled at the task that I had set it. The sombre waif known to many as Death, crept into the car and stole his victim into the night.

I firmly believe everyone eventually finds their grey area. Some just embrace it more than others. Xavier honestly thought his actions were righteous because he had decided that he deserved more than what was already in his hands. This never-ending lust had become his undoing and the very reason he was now deceased.

And me? Well, I had just murdered someone. He wasn't the first, and he wouldn't be the last. It should have been chilling how easy it was for me, but instead, I felt nothing but righteous in my actions. Did that make me any better than the life I had just taken? I justified my actions in the exact same way he had. But yet, I felt whole. I had judged the man and his indiscretions and found him lacking. It was glorious, the pure power that flowed through my veins, knowing I had set the world back on its axis, albeit momentarily.

My musings were broken by crazed laughter echoing around the expensive interior of his beautiful car. It shocked me until I realised the sound was my own doing. The laughter bubbled like a spring from my painted red lips, unbounded and unstoppable.

I had found my grey area, and damn if I wasn't happy about it.

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