Arise (Flyleaf)

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{Taylor POV}

"Hey," said Lyle, with his sexy half smile again. Was he blushing too?

I pulled out my head phone. "Hey, you," I said, looking back at the boxes. "What brings you here?"

Lyle looks down and began to rub the back of his neck. "Well I'm new here and wanted to check out the Hot Topic." He glances up at me. "Say, since you work here, you could give me a discount, right?

I giggle at his remark and look at him. His green eyes are so mesmorizing. "Sorry, only if your my boyfriend or related to me." The boyfriend part wasn't true though, I just wanted to see  where he'd lead this.

"Is that so?" he asked with a grin. I smiled and nodded back.

"Well, not only because I want band merch, I was curious if you..."

Lyle's words were cut short and he looked past my head. I felt a pair of hands on my hips, pulling me closer to the stranger. I knew immediately that it was Austin. My heart started to beat faster, realizing what was going on.

"Hi," said Austin. I could tell by his tone of voice that he was ready to punch Lyle, or really anyone who messes with me, in the face.

Lyle started to look nervous. "Hey dude. What's up?"

"Oh, just checking to see what's going on here." Austin lowered his lips to my ear. "You ok?" he whispered ever so quietly. All I could really do was nod. I was speechless but I don't know why.

Lyle looked really uncomfortable. "Well I guess I'll see you later Taylor," he said, waving and walked out of the store.

Austin then spun me around to face him, his hands sliding across my lower back. "That was him, wasn't it?"

"Yep. That was Lyle Davis," I said, resting my hands on his shoulders.

Austin looked past my head towards the front door. "He seemed afraid of me." He looked down at me with a devilish smirk. "Good."

I slapped his shoulder which caused us both to laugh. Austin's always been my body guard when it comes to guys since only a guy knows how vicious and vile they can truly be. "Alright, The Rock, I need to get back to work," I say as I push away from him.

"Yeah, same. Inventory is hard shit man," Austin says, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand to add effect.

I giggle as I watch him walk away. I pull my headphone back into my ear and got back to work.


{A week later}

"See ya on Monday, Austin! Text me!" I yelled as I walked out of Hot Topic. I strolled through the mall until I came across the Barnes And Nobles. I walked in and headed for the Starbucks. Once I got my usual(French Vanilla Cappuccino), I went by the magazine stand and searched for Kerrang!, Rock Sound, Rolling Stones. Really anything that has details about my favorite bands.

I found a new issue of Rock Sound with Tay Jardine on the cover. She looked so beautiful. I've seen We Are The In Crowd at Warped Tour and they killed it!! I skimmed through the magazine and found multiple posters of my bands.

Within 5 minutes, I walked out of the mall with a Barnes and Nobles bag containing my magazine. Once I reached my car, I started it and plugged in my iPod. Bring Me The Horizon started off my shuffle with & The Snakes Start To Sing. I jammed out to my playlist of recent favorite songs. I tapped my steering wheel to the beat,  head banging at the powerful moments in every song. I loved my little me time.

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