Teenagers (My Chemical Romance)

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{Taylor POV}

{2 Days later}

I turned off my car, not moving from my seat. The radio man was talking about Summerfest or some other music festival. But I wasn't paying much attention. My mind was wondering with ideas of what to tell Austin.

I called in sick yesterday, not wanting to have to face him. I don't know why I didn't  want to see him. I guess I just didn't want to spill on what happened Saturday night. I know what you're thinking. Why don't you just lie? And I could. But I would feel like a horrible person. Plus he can always tell when I'm lying.

I looked at my phone. I've been sitting in my car for 15 minutes just thinking. I closed my eyes and tried to picture his reaction when I tell him. I could only see a cloud of rage surrounding his body, worry filling his eyes. I quickly opened my eyes. If I couldn't deal with his reaction in imaginative form, how will I be able to handle the real one?

I took a deep breath and looked into the mirror. I tried my best to cover up the purple rims around my eyes from lack of sleep but the foundation wasn't doing the best job. My eyes looked lifeless and cold. The once green was now grey.

My hands started to become clammy as I rubbed them back and forth nervously. 20 minutes have pasted. It's now or never.

I sighed and opened my door, causing the guy on the radio to shut up. I got out into the cool morning air. It felt nice to get outside than to be stuck inside the stuffy apartment. I walked into the mall and stopped a few feet away from the Hot Topic entrance. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my breathing. "God, Tay, get a fricken grip," I thought to myself. I slowly took a step toward the store and opened the doors.

Falling In Reverse blasted through the stereo as I walked in. Ana was putting Hot Cash in the register when she saw me walk in. "Hey Taylor," she said sweetly. Ana was a tall girl with a soft voice. Though she works at Hot Topic, she doesn't resemble anything of being in "our crowd", if you will. She wears designer jeans with cute Hollister tops, perfect curly hair and large jewelry. But once you get to know her, she's a total metal head that's amazing to party with.

"Hey you," I said avoiding I contact. I stopped in front of the counter and rested my elbows on it, leaning forward.

"How ya feeling?"

"To be honest, shit."

"Aw, I'm sorry sweetheart. I bet Austin will make you feel better soon," Ana said with a cheery smile.

I forced a smile back as best as I could. I saw Ana's smile drop and look at me with concern. Before she could say anything, a tall figure walked out from the back room.

"Tay!" Austin exclaimed with a wide smile. He ran up to me and hugged me, my feet lifting off the ground. And at that moment, I wanted to cry. I didn't want to see Austin hurt.

He dropped me but I kept my arms around his neck and held him tight. Austin pushed on my hips causing me to look up at him. His eyes were brighter than usual. But once he searched mine, they started to cloud up. I looked away, tears stinging on the brink to fall. His hands snaked around my back and held me tight.

We stood there for a couple seconds until Austin pulled away, disconnecting our bodies. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the back room. "Alright," I thought to myself. "Here we go."

Austin closed the door behind us as we walked in. I rubbed my arms and looked down. Austin sat on the couch and pulled on my waist, mentioning me to sit on his lap. I sat there and he leaned back, holding me tightly. I rested my head on his shoulder. I was scrunched up like a little baby as his arms wrapped around me, his hands rubbing my back and thighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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