She's Everything I Need.

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{Taylor POV}

My heart was skipping out of beat as the man towered over me. "What do you want?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Well sweetheart, I've been looking everywhere for you."


"Because I want you," he slurred and started snaking his hands around and down my back to my butt.

I pushed him away and his hands dropped to his sides. "How could you remember me? You were hammered, and frankly still are," I say, slowly back away.

The man took giant steps towards me. "Well how could I forget a women like you?" He started to reach for my arms but I pushed him away again.

"Why don't you go hit on women your own age."

"Because I like the young ones," he slurred. "They have more energy in them, able to do more things." He grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards him.

"Don't touch me, you prick."

"That's no way to talk to a man," the man grinned. Before I could see it coming, his hand connected to my cheek causing me to fall on the floor.

I gasped as the pain shot through my cheek to my head. I tried to crawl away but the man grabbed my ankles and pulled me backwards. I tried to kick free but got a five star slap on my back instead.

I held back my tears and kicked harder. Luckily the man was still hammered from the night before that he lost his balance and released me.

I got up and realized that I would need to run past him to get out.

Before I even had time to move, I felt a pair of hands push me hard, colliding me into the shelves. The sharp edges cut up my left arm and shoulder. I cried out in pain. The man was towering over me again as I fell to the floor from another slap to the cheek.

"You're mine now you little whore," the man said hungrily, trying to rip off my tank top. I kicked, I screamed, I tried to defend myself as best as I could. But hopeless and fear soon began to take over.

Suddenly the man was pulled off of me. I scrunched up into a ball trying to protect myself from any more attacks. The sound of a fist hitting a face broke through the air.

I looked up to see Lyle beating the shit out of the man. He looked so angry and tense, filled with hatred. I was terrified by how much anger was radiating off of him.

I slowing got up, making sure I didn't put pressure on my left arm. I looked back and noticed all of the blood left everywhere from my arm. The room started to look fuzzy and I was getting dizzy. I collapsed on the floor, hitting my head hard on the tile.

I could hear Lyle yelling my name in the distance. I tried to stay conscious with all of my power, but the room kept spinning and it was hurting my head.

I felt a pair of arms pick me up and held me. I felt warm and safe with my body pressed against this person's. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I soon lost conscious in my stranger's arms.


I woke up lying down on the back seat of a car. Noticing the Of Mice & Men sticker on the roof, I realized it was mine. But who was driving?

I tried to get up but pain shot through my left arm causing me to cry out loud. The stranger looked back at me from the driver's seat. "Taylor? Taylor, can you hear me?"

The Past Lives.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz