The Beginning of The End

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It was an average normal boring day. Wake up, go to school, hang out with friends; sooner or later we would become adults and decide what we get to turn our lives into. I thought I already had my life set ahead of me, but I was sorely mistaken.

As I woke up with a dry mouth and heavy eyes I decided what I was going to wear today. I chose a dark but comfortable outfit.

After getting ready I texted my friends and ate breakfast. The cereal was quite bland and stale, but it kept me healthy.

After eating breakfast I brushed my teeth and put my shoes on. I always leave the laces tied so it's quicker.

My backpack was all ready and my homework was completed from the previous night. Everything was normal, the schedule, my friends, my family. It was all in place and organized.

Once the bus picked me up, I put my earbuds in and listened to some music. It was a mix of rock and alternative. I got the feeling something different was going to happen today, but I shook it off as someone taking a glance toward me.

~<Time Skip>~

During 1st period class we learned about the history of our homeland. This class isn't my best subject, but I'm ok at it. It was awhile later, or at least what it seemed like, when class ended.

Second period, Math, is where something seemed weird. I looked out the window and toward the sun. The sky was dark and something was blocking it. A large triangular spaceship seemed to be locked on our location as it got uneasily closer. I began to get nervous, but took charge and started to evacuate the classroom. Teachers told everyone to leave the school, but as I looked out the window I saw a bunch of soldiers in white armor march out. I knew we were outnumbered. There was only one option, hide.

It was difficult but I quickly and skillfully navigated the hallway to gather my 7 friends. We may have been too many, but I didn't really have a choice. "Look, this school is going to be invaded soon, our only option is to hide since we are outnumbered. I have marked down large places with good hiding places."

They all nodded and followed me to the courtyard outside behind the library. "Hide in the bushes here. Since we are all wearing dark clothes they won't see us, spread out and stay low. We can't risk being caught. Now hide!"

Everyone hid in the bushes and under the ivy. We all blended in so we had a great chance of lasting.

The dreadful moment the soldiers in white walked through the doors came upon us. I knew it was going to happen. But something... no... someone followed behind them. A person dressed in black with a mask slowly walked to the middle of the courtyard. The cape trailing behind them.

The masked figure finally spoke, the voice modified by the mask, "there are children here who are strong with the force, I can feel it. They are in this area. Find them or I'll find them myself." Then, what I assume is a he, walked over to the door and waited.

He just stood there and waited for us to be discovered. I could see my friends were looking at me, I signaled for them to stay silent. I had hope we wouldn't be found.


Then the sound of an a soldier making me almost give away my location from sighing said, "we have searched everywhere sir, there is no one here."

Those made me smile, but the man sighed in frustration. "It must have been a mistake, search the town, and whatever children you find bring them back to the ship." The soldier nodded and the others followed as they left. But the man stayed. "I know you're all here, I can easily sense you, but I'll leave it to someone else to find you. Then I'll take you and train you." Then he walked away, out of the building, and too his ship.

We decided to spend the night in the bushes.

Today was not normal.

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