Memories of Seasons Past

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(A/N) This song is one of my favorites and my moms favorites. I'm adding it in my story to add feels. So prepare the's about to get sad.

I decided to think about my family today. It makes me feel better when I think about my family. The warm feeling of every Christmas at my Great Grandma's. Every moment I spent with my cousins was always fun. My aunts and uncles were always so kind. Every moment we would sit in the kitchen and pray for our blessings.

Every moment with my family always kept me at ease. I smiled as I sat on the grass, going through my memories. I remembered every family gathering. Every graduation celebration. Every time I had a mental breakdown and my friends comforted me. All of my pain has given me more wisdom and experiences I could teach to others.

I remembered the funeral for my Great Grandma. Everything changed after that. But I remember how beautiful she looked during the viewing. I remember my heart breaking into pieces only a specific person could fix. I let my tears of glass fall to the floor and shatter. I cried as I lay the baby pink rose next to my grandmother. After all her favorite color was pink.

I remember being heart broken from this loss, but I pulled myself together so my friends had a shoulder to cry on. Same with my grandma and my mom, they both were extremely affected by everyone's loss.

I stayed strong for others around me, I never let my fear and anger get a hold of me after that. Life is way too damn short to hold onto a grudge. I never say the word hate; it is too strong to use against anyone.

My friends don't know the same path I follow, nor do they follow it themselves. They are too dark to be on their own. I and another member are lights. We shine light into their lives so they can see. Otherwise they'll let their frustration get the best of them.

Sometimes I wonder if they did have my path before, but didn't hold onto it. It could be possible, or they were never given the opportunity to walk my path.

I hope I can help those embraced by darkness. If I can save my friends, then I'm sure I'll be able to save others. I thought my friends were long gone at some point, but all it took was for me too feel broken and alone for them to realize their mistake. I can take the pain. I know I am strong enough to protect others from it's dangerous wake.

Pain and suffering is like an ocean. If your lost out at sea there is a very rare chance of you being found again. But that doesn't mean its impossible. If I was able to carry my friends from the bottom of the ocean, I can do anything.

Anything and everything is possible. If you believe you can do will. Nothing will change that unless you doubt yourself.

Trust me, I will do whatever I can to help someone...even if it kills me.

  There isn't much I can do, but with feelings I can show the other person the light. The only reason people are in the dark is because they thought they saw light in their own darkness. When really it was a trick to the eyes and mind. Now they are lost and desperately waiting to be discovered again.

  I once was in the same kind of issue. I was caught up in my own sadness and my own regret that I didn't even notice my friend's sadness.

  I decided to be the support beam for my group. I'm the one that holds us together. I make sure everyone is safe.


I think I fell asleep on the grass.

Oh well.

  I at least got to do some thinking alone. It's good to be alone every once in awhile. If you're alone too much it could be sickening. So follow your heart. Your heart is what gives you hope and joy, don't ever let it go.

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