Another Thing To Fight For

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(A/N) I'm eating tiny Santa chocolates as I'm writing this. Accept my strangeness.

  When we got to my house we had taken a rest. All that traveling sure did a number on us. My parents had us stay in the basement since there weren't many windows. They didn't want those soldiers to see us.

  My parents got a knock on the door so they went up the stairs. Me and my friends were discussing our next plan of action, but we had none. We wanted to help in the battle we only have the blasters.

  A few minutes later my parents walked down the stairs with 2 people in cloaks. One looked to be an older aged man and the other one was a young adult female. Must be related (*cough* theories *cough*)

  The man introduced himself first, "Hello children. I'm Luke Skywalker, the leader of the Jedi temple and Jedi master." Then the female introduced herself, "Hello young ones. I'm Rey, I'm a new master and Luke's student."

  We looked at them utterly stunned. We were so confused and shocked at the same time. Questions kept floating around in my mind such as, Why are they here? What did we do? Did we do something wrong? What does Jedi mean? Etc.

  My parents spoke, "These people are going to teach you how to fight without getting hurt." Now I was officially amazed.

  I stood up from sitting on the ground and spoke, "My name is Emma, I would like to learn how to fight this darkness."

  Never in my life had I felt so much bravery or protection for the planet I was born on or for the people around me that I love and care about. I just made a life decision I thought would never come my way.

  My friends all introduced themselves after me. First was me, Second was Abby, Third was Rio, Forth was Maya, Fifth was Talon, Sixth was Ethan, Seventh was Elena, and last was Dalimar. We all wanted to protect each other.

  The master I think Luke was his name, spoke "Never in my life have a seen a connection between a group of people like this. You are all connected by the want to keep each other safe."

  We all smiled and looked at each other. It was a great day.

~<Time Skip>~

  We had some of our belongings with us and a picture of our families. I brought my phone so I could keep in contact with my parents. We all got into this one ship with a large seething area.

"Welcome aboard the Millennium Falcon everyone." Luke spoke. We nodded and looked out the windows. I saw so many places abandoned. Then I turned towards the hospital.

  I saw it was in good shape, it looked active for the people who are injured, and who will be. Definitely not a safe place to be if your injured though.

  Turns out I got lost in my thoughts when we took off. All my friends fell asleep from being exhausted. I admit the trip was tiring, but something wasn't quite right. I couldn't sleep. Every time I tried my head hurt and I saw darkness everywhere. Then I look down and see a red glowing object stabbed in my chest. I wake up every time I see this.

  Since I wasn't getting any sleep I decided to ask some questions, "Where are we going?" "You'll see" Rey responded. "How long will it take to get there?" "Not long." Right as she answered my questions me friends flies off their seats. We were going so fast it looked like we were faster than light.

  Then everything stopped. We had gone back to normal speed. I looked out the window and saw totally different planets. I stared in awe.

  As my mind filled with new more exciting things, I lulled to sleep from the slight turbulence as we entered the atmosphere.

But one thing was heard before I fell asleep...

Something spoke...

Like someone gained access to my mind...

"I will find you"

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