Learning to be Strong

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(A/N) sorry this is late again, also I'm making this based off of my mood irl.

  I slowly opened my eyes; the bright light slightly blinded me. I look around and see that I'm in a metal chair stand thing. Weird. I try to break the latches on my arms, but obviously fail. Worth a shot.

  I hear heavy footsteps slowly coming my way. I put on the most blank face I possibly could with a slight glare. I have to get back to my friends, who knows where they are!

  I see the man in the black suit, I assumed is Kylo Ren. Obviously I'm angry from being "kidnapped" and put into a chair against my will. "What the hell do you want?" I ask with a bit too much attitude. I just stands there, silent. "Are you going to speak, or are you going to stand around and just watch me, because that's just weird."

  He just stood there, then put a hand of to my face. I felt a tingling sensation on my head, but it went away as quick as it came. He seemed to have gotten frustrated and tried again and again to do whatever he was trying to do.

  "So like...what are you trying to do exactly?" He just stared at me like I was something odd. Way to hurt my feelings. Note sarcasm. "I was trying to get the Resistance Base location out of your head, but I can't enter your mind." He responded.

  "..." I spat on his mask. "My mind is my land, my property. I don't like trespassers." I looked at him straight in the eyes. I was annoyed, not really angry.

  He started to act like something was hurting his head. I'm not quite sure what was happening, but as long as it kept him from accessing my mind I was ok with it. "What the hell?!" He mumbled. I tried glaring harder. This time he actually fell over.

  What did I do? I was so confused. I stopped glaring, and he stopped groaning in pain. Weird. He stood back up and looked at me... then took off his mask.

  "Join me" he said. "What?" I asked a bit rudely. "I want you to join me, your strong with the force." I nodded my head no. "No way am I joining you, Hell I don't even know you." After I said that he sighed. "I'll find a way to convince you, I'll get into that head of yours." He spoke. He tried again, and he managed to get into my head, he showed me images of my friends dying and perishing around me. He showed my my planet being set in flames. So much pain and suffering that any normal person would collapse at the sight of it. But I wasn't normal. I chuckled a bit, and it slowly turned into laughter.

  "Why are you laughing at such painful images?!" He seemed a bit scared. Unusual of such a great image of a leader. "Because I've seen that before in my nightmares. I know it could possibly happen someday. It's inevitable. I know my weaknesses and I know how to think before I act. My fears are my conscious warning me about a possible future, and I work my way around it. It's simple." I spoke out of truth. Nothing had disturbed me much, not even myself. I am afraid I'll loose my loved ones, but I believe I'll see them again.

  That was the first time I ever scared someone. It surprised me, but my friends new I had an alter ego. It didn't take much to trigger it either.

  The lights began to flicker and the metallic room went dark. I looked straight at Kylo Ren, into his eyes. After all the eyes are the door to the soul. And I said, "if you want me to know pain your going to have to destroy the universe and everything in it before I go insane." Then I think something happened to my eyes, because he seemed to get his mask and fast walk out.

  That's one way to deal with a problem. I've never felt this much energy flow through me. It felt so relaxing, so soothing. I closed my eyes and thought about my friends and where they might be.

  I know they are coming to get me. I can feel them getting closer. Their souls are bright and filled with warmth. It was so relaxing. Everything was at peace, even if I was stuck, wherever the hell I am, and dark souls surrounded me.

  One thing I thought and spoke without knowing before I fell into a dreamless sleep was...

"The light can exist without a shadow; the shadow can't exist without the light to create it. There is always balance as long as both sides exist."

  And then my eyes closed and a white flash surrounded me.

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