Chapter 1: Mysterious Elf

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Amber P.O.V

RIIIIINNNGGGG!!!! "That's the end of today's class, and school kids! Remember to study for your test tomorrow, and don't hesitate to ask questions!" I heard the familiar voice of my teacher, Mr. Aider. I looked up and begin to pack the little of my things on my  desk.

My teacher was short and skinny, bony. He had pale skin and dark blue eyes, most of his tryed-to-comb hair covering them. He had a nicely shaved beard, almost not see able, but very nice as ever. Today, he wore a light blue collared shirt with his sleaves rolled up just above his elbows. He had dark jeans on with a dark brown belt, and a navy blue tie. His shoes (same as always) were black with black laces (how does he tie those?).

He was always a nice and cheery teacher, but enough to not be annoying, and he knew when to make the kids shut up, and how. He was liked by many, never hated, unless you some how figured out how to get on his bad side (you should be rewarded). He was my teacher for Writing/English/language arts. Many names.

We had a test tomorrow for his class, and for history, so he went over mainly the whole test, and refreshed our brains.

He wasn't a boring teacher, he added in jokes here and there, and his general act is amusing. But I had studyed for this test all last night, so I was tired and slightly bored, but giggled at his minor jokes.

I looked besides me at the kid sitting next to me and chuckled.

She had redish, pinkish hair tied up in also red bows with light brown eyes. Her skin was a  neutral color. She wore our school uniform: a grey shirt with a black colar with a red bow in the frount. It had long grey sleaves which were rolled back to look like hand cuffs, in my opinion. The grey skirt  almost made it look like a dress. She wore frown no lace shoes with slightly hirer than ankle-high socks.

She was drooling slightly with her head on the desk, her hands to the side of her head.

She was asleep. As usual. She always fell asleep at the last class.

She doesn't get much sleep,  unknown why, and she always comes to school late. She is clumsy and famous in our school, but not really popular. She was pretty cute, honestly. But she made it shockingly obvious when she had a crush on someone. She would always stutter around them, and always try to be with them at any chance she could. (Mark!)

Zoey Hanson. My best friend, and one of my only, at this school.

I transferred here recently, and I already love it. I'm not popular, nore famous, and I only have 3 BEST friends here, but I like it nonetheless. I keep in touch with my old friends, too.

I shook her slightly as all the kids began to get up "wake up zoey... wake up!... ZOEY!!" I shouted in her ear and she jumped up, covering her head like she always would  would when she got scared (I don't really know why) "Huh?! Wha?! Oh! H-hey Amber!" She said nervously laughing. Silly Zoey!

Actually, I haven't even introduced myself properly. My name is Amber Nightshade. I have blonde poofy untameable hair with crystal blue eyes (pic is up ^). I sometimes braided a piece of my hair on top of my head, like today. Usually, I just naturaly have rosey cheeks. I wore the same school uniform, but instead with black flats and almost thigh high socks. That's me, alright.

I laughed and grabbed my back "your lucky you didn't sleep talk this time! It's time to get going!" I said struggling to stop laughing at the thought of her most popular dream. (Remember the dinosaur and Mark finding her as a Mew mew dream? Yeah, that one x3)

"Yeah I guess I am!" She said, laughing herself, but a tint of red spreading across her face.

We both walked out of school and to zoey's other friends, who I guess I was friends with too, moe and miwia (I think that's right) and went home.
Luckily, it was Friday, which meant tomorrow was SATURDAY!!! Right as I thought that, I heard two off key, purposely, singing "IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!" as if their noses were plugged.

I looked over and saw two blonde kids, one male one female.
The female wore our school uniform, and the male wore theirs. The male uniform was a black shirt that zipped and unzipped. The neck line went up to the top of his neck. He wore black pants with brown shoes, like zoey's. He had headphones around his neck, and the female wore a headband with a tiny bow on top.

Her hair was shortish, and the males was almost the same length. They both had pale skin and light blue eyes. They were about the same height, too.

I giggled and waved "Hey Kat! Hey Kyle!" They turned and waved "HI AMBER!!" They both say in unison.

I looked at zoey and she giggled, nodding. I ran over to them and joined they're walk home, as I heard zoey talk about mark with the others.

"Sup Amber?" Kyle asked, smiling slyly at me, just barely taller than me. I smiled back "nothin much. Zoey didn't sleep talk, for once" I said beginning to giggle. Kat giggled with me "well that's the first! I can't believe Mr. Aider can deal with her!" I nod "well, he has his ways. We should try not to question it"

We talked and walked and I noticed Kyle would keep looking at me, and he seemed flustered, kinda nervous, too. But I didnt say anything. eventually we got to their house first, and kyle pulled me aside "can we talk?.." he asked. I nodded curiously, and followed him to th side of his house.

"I didn't want to tell my sister this, cuz I knew she would freak out. But... I was walking in the forest after a fight with our dad, just thinking, when I swear I heard this voice talking to someone... I peared behind a tree and saw this guy with green hair and a crop top brown shirt with brown pants. But weirdest of all, he had EARS. Like, ELF EARS! He was talking to some portal and said "It won't happen again, sir" and he teleported away. The portal disappeared, too. Do you think... he's one of the guys making the monsters and stuff?"

I would've just said 'this is a misunderstanding' but he added in so much detail, and seemed genuinely scared. I had feeling this wasn't one of his pranks.

"I don't know... but who ever it was, he is trouble. Watch out for him, and watch your back ok? But it's good not to tell your sister" I said thinking. 'who is this guy? And is he really bad? Or maybe he's one of the hero's...'

I didn't know much about these "monsters" but all of Tokyo knew these evil animal/giant hybrids or invading, and somebody keeps defeating them. I KNEW this guy has to be somewhat part of all these attacks.

"O-ok. Thanks Amber" Kyle said, sounding less nervous but still stuttering. I hugged him "don't be scared, kyle. I know you, and you don't get scared easily. They will save us" he nodded, hugging back.

Me, Kat, and Kyle meet just this year and are already REALLY close. So it's not weird to hug him.

Kat came over to us "come on Kyle! Mom needs us!" We pulled away and he begin to walk inside "bye, Amber" Kyle said smiling. I smiled back "bye Kyle!"

"He knows, sir"

That's it for today's chapter! Shortish, I know, but I hope you like it! Tomorrow (in book standards) she will become a Mew Mew! So...

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