Special chapt. Broken Surface

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Note: please read the A/N at the end of this chapter.


"Are you awake?"

I chided to the green-haired alien, who's eyes just now began to flutter open. He blinked a bit, glancing around the room in a daze.

The creature groaned. "Where in hell's name am I...?"

His gaze then reached me. I gave him a copy smile, waving in mock politeness. "Good mornin', sleepyhead!"

His eyes widened upon seeing me, and seemingly realizing his situation. "...Mew Banana! Let me go!"

We- more like I- had gotten Dren tied up to a chair in the basement of our cafe. We were able to concoct a little mixture of magic items and such to create it so he couldn't teleport, but the effects only lasted for 24 hours, I believe.

"You think I'm gonna let my enemy go just because he asked so?" I teased, placing both hands on my hips. He struggled in his seat, scowling up at me.

"Why isnt my magic working!?" The alien complained, agitated indeed. I shrugged. "Ask Elliot next time he's down here. Unless... I've got you all to myself," I winked, causing him to groan in annoyance.

"Just what do you want, Amber? I'm sure whatever you've done to me won't last forever, and I dont know why you're acting so cocky around an alien!" He tried to argue his way out of this, but it was no use. I tutted.

"Dren, do you know how much information you possess?" I stated, pacing around his chair. His head followed me. "Well, duh. I'm the bad guy," he stated.

"The bad guy, huh..." recent encounters with this alien has made me think otherwise, but I didnt lead on. "I guess you could say that. In any case, we've got you here to pull it all outta yah."

It was silent. Then, Dren let out a boisterous laugh. "As if I, the mastermind behind the predasites and the inevitable destruction to you humans, would give away my masters secrets?! Over my dead body!"

I frowned, letting out a dramatic sigh. "What a shame. I guess we really do gotta kill you, then, if you'll give it up over your dead body-"

"Dont make hasty decisions!"

I smirked at his panicked reaction. He feared death, which is natural.

"Maybe we'll spare you, if you speak," I taunted the man.

It was amusing to watch my arch nemesis to be in a panic so easily. However, along with his fear came rowdiness. He began to shake about, trying to escape his bounds, nearly tipping the chair over.

I stopped my pacing and slammed my hand onto the back of the chair, right next to Dren's face. I leaned forward, eyes glaring into his. "If you dont stop causing trouble, I will claw your guts up, you hear me?"

Perhaps I've gotten known for my temper and intimidation... I've began to use this to my advantage.

His head coiled back on instinct, visibly swallowing. He stilled had the nerve to speak, though. "As if you would," he spat, but his eyes couldnt quite meet mine.

I noticed he was blushing.

I leaned in more. "You do realize your situation, correct?"

He gritted his teeth, clearing his throat. "Y-You're a bit close there, kitty..."

"You are so hopeless."

I moved my hand off, beginning to laugh. How could he be getting so flustered in such a life or death situation?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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