Chapter 3: A New Life

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Amber's P.O.V

I woke up in a small bed, not so comfy if I'm honest. The room was dark, but a big blue light was coming from behind me, maybe a tv or something. There were two guys and five girls standing there, the closest was a blonde male.

He had blonde almost yellow hair, parted in the middle, with blue eyes. He had neutral skin and a stern look. He wore a white hoodie, that zipped and unzipped, but didn't have long sleaves. They only went slightly past his sholders, and they were green. He had white pants and black no lace shoes. To top it off, he wore a black choker neclace.

A small smile appeared on his face "Wake up now, Mew Banana. They have some explaining to do"

"THEY?! YOU, TOO!" I heard an all too familiar voice call out.


"I thought we made a deal, Zoey. You guys explain, and you get less work time"

"Bye a MINUTE!" She scolded. I could almost feel her anger.

"Yeah, but we did make a deal" he said, nodding. She huffed "oooh FINE!" She muttered something under her breathe like "still the same..."

She walked over to me, in a red and white maids outfit. It was poofy and ruffly, and the bottom had a white trim. A white vest like thing she wore over it, with at the skirt part, was in the shape of a heart. Her sleaves were big and poofy, also short with a white trim. The dress was a button up, and the neckline went up to the top of her neck, with, you guessed it, a white trim. There was a red bow at the collar, and a white one in the back of her outfit. She had a white headband with redish pink designs. She had black shoes with a pink heart on them, with pink socks. Her hair was down, for once. It was pretty.

I noticed the other girls had the same, only all different colors, except the white: green, blue, yellow, and purple.

The other male has long brown hair tied in a low ponytail. He had brown eyes, and pale skin. He wore a buttoned up white shirt with a bow tie, black overalls, and black no lace shoes. A had a more friendly expression, smiling at me.

"You know me, Amber. I'm Zoey!" She giggled "and your a Tokyo Mew Mew!"

They explained to me (they being the girls and a little help from Westley) everything! And their names: Bridget, Corina, Kikki Renee, Westley, and Elliot. And I had a mark on my ankle, indicating I run fast. I was an indescribable pattern.

"So that elf that Kyle and Mark saw was.. Dren? And he's one of the "bad guys"!?" I said, shocked that they knew him

"Yeeeup!" Kikki exclaimed happily. I was still so shocked at all of this!

So, I was apparently a cheetah mew mew! Makes sense, actually. I've always been a fast runner, and  very intelligent, most say, and skinny, most also say. But what I didn't get: how did they just make these monsters with jellyfish? Sorry, but I don't get it!

I didn't question it, though. I didn't have many questions, because it wasn't as complicated as they made it sound. It was just... really unbelievable. But, I believed it. Who was destroying as those monsters if I didn't believe?

"So, you will be working at Cafe Mew Mew now" Westley said, holding out his hand for me to grab onto. I did, and he pulled me up.

I looked at all my future teammates and smiled "this is going to be awesome!!

Kikki tackled me with a hug."I already like this chick! She's cool!" She said. I laughed. Hearing that from a, like, 11 year old was pretty weird. But, I hugged back, still laughing.

We walked out of the basement, and Westley changed the CLOSED sign to OPEN.

"We're opened now, so I hope you know what to do" he said, sitting down behind the counter. *insert anime angery mark* "YOU AREN'T GONNA TEACH ME?!?"

He chuckled "they'll teach you" he nodded at the group of five girls.

I sighed, but Bridget just giggled "we'll be happy to help!" She smiled friendly at me. I smiled back "okay!"

After they tought me everything (I still don't get why Corina doesn't work and only drinks tea) and got ne my outfit (Orange) I started working. I got the hang of it pretty quickly, and even started doing some tricks with Kikki!

"Catch Banana-chan!" Kikki shouted at me, throwing a plate of Vanilla-Cinamon Flan Splash at me. I caught the plate, balancing it with one hand, and the food landed right back on the plate, perfectly. We gained claps, and a whistle from the diners, and I gave the table next to me their order.

Once we closed up, I walked home with Zoey.

"That's was so much FUN!" I shouted, happily. She laughed at my words "yeah, it sure can be sometimes! But not always" she got more serious at the end.

"What do you mean?" I asked, questioning her

"Remember how we're super heros..?" She asked slowly. I nodded, frowning "oh yeah.. but I kinda can't wait to meet that alien!" I said, brightening the mood.
She held back a laugh "yeah, but he can be really annoying. Especially when all he does is flirt with me!" She said, waving her hands in her air. I laughed "well, that's the first. No effense!" She laughed along "none taken!"

We talked about some of the monsters they have incountered, and how Kikki strangely became a Mew Mew.

"Wow, that's dark" I said, after I heard Kikki get told off by Zoey, and she was homeless. "Yeah, it was." Zoey said sadly "but, we're good friends now, don't worry!" She said, smiling again.

We talked more about Dren, and I only heard negative things. He can't be THAT bad. "Anything good about him?" Zoey thought about this question "I don't think so. Not to me, anyways" I noddee, but highly doubted it.

I finally got home and we said our good byes. I layed down in bed and thought about my new life... as a Mew Mew.

But little did I know, that my first fight isn't too far away.

"A new one? Interesting..."

That's it for this chapter! I wonder, who said that last line? Comment your ideas! The first was Dren, then Westley, and now ??? Well, just curious on your ideas! Hope you enjoyed, and...

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