Chapter 1: The Twin's Reunion

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Relocated Black Order Headquarters
In Komui's office

Alice, Allen, Link, Leenalee, Kanda, and Lavi are standing in front of Komui who is sitting at his desk waiting for their order.

"Why are we here?" Kanda questions Komui.

"Don't be so cold, Kanda." Komui says.

"He's right, Yu." Lavi says and Kanda glares at him.

"Don't call me by my first name, Baka-usagi."

"Would you stop that, Kanda?" Allen asks.

"Shut up, Beansprout." Kanda calls.

"How many times do I have to tell you. It's Allen!" Allen exclaims.

"Allen-kun, Kanda, stop fighting." Lenalee tells the two.

"Lenalee is right you two." Alice says.

"Can we go back on the topic?" Link asks.

"Sorry, sorry." Komui apologizes and gets serious. "I have a mission you all for the six of you. There is sudden disappearance of Akuma in the forest of Europe. I want the five of you to investigate this report."

"But Komui, isn't a good thing the Akuma is disappearing?" Alice asks.

"That would be the case, but the way the Akuma disappeared worries me. The only way to destroy the Akuma is with an Anti-Akuma Weapon. However, there were no signs of Akuma remains on the spot."

"That's true." Link agrees.

"Let's go." Allen says. "If the Akuma manage to disappear, then we have to find it and destroy it."

"That's right." Lenalee agrees.

"If you put it that way, we have to go with that." Lavi says.

"Humph." Kanda says.

"Then let's go." Alice says and they start to leave.

At the location where the Akuma disappeared

The five Exorcists and Link walk through the forest as they search for the Akuma. While Alice starting to have a feeling that she has been there.

"Che. Where is the Akuma?" Kanda questions, annoyed at the fact they have to search for the Akuma.

"Isn't that why we're searching for it right now?" Lavi asks.

Allen then notices how Alice is acting.

"What's wrong, Alice?" He asks as everyone looks at her.

"Yeah... It just that This place looks familiar." Alice replies.

"Wait. Didn't you said that General Cross found you in a forest, Alice?" Lenalee reminds her.

"Seriously? Then are we getting close to Alice's home!" Lavi exclaims.

Alice widens her eyes at the fact. "My home..."

"Alice, do you remember where it is?" Lenalee asks and Alice puts her finger on her forehead to remember where her home is.

"I don't know, but when the Earl kidnapped me, we came out from a cave."

"A cave?" Link repeats as Leealee looks around and spots something.

"Isn't that it?" Lenalee asks as she points at the spot and they see a cave near the forest. Then they decided to go near it to check if it is the cave that Alice is talking about.

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