Chapter 5: Grand Magic Games

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Allen and Lavi blink looking up at the sky. "What is that thing?!"

"It seems that's the Sky Labyrinth." Link says.

"With the maze that large it will be hard to go to Domus Flau." Lenalee says and Kanda walks away getting the others attention.

"Kanda?" Allen calls.

"I'm going to that stadium." Kanda says.

"He has a point. By going to Domus Flau before the participants and the audience, we could have a better view to find the Akuma." Link theorizes.

"You're right. With Allen's left eye and Alice's senses, we might find them." Lavi says.

"And since Alice is already there, let's go." Lenalee says before they go to the stadium.

Soon later, the Sly Labyrinth begins to rotate itself and people from different guilds fall out of it.

"E–H?!" Lavi shouts.

"The labyrinth itself is rotating?" Lenalee questions.

"So that's how they cut the numbers down into eight teams." Allen says.

At Domus Flau

"I got to admit, that's one of a logical way to get eight teams." Alice says after she and Alicia saw what happened.

"You're right." Alicia agrees and looks down which Alice sees this.

"Are you worried?" She asks.


"You look kind of down."

"Aren't they your fellow guild mates? Believe in them." Alice tells her.

"Those words..." Alicia trails off.

"The same ones you told me earlier."

"Onee-chan... You're right."

Then they hear something ringing and sees the same half-human, half-pumpkin man hologram.

"So, our eight teams are all present! Sky Labyrinth, the elimination round of the Grand Magic Games, is over!"

"Did Fairy Tail get through?" Alice wonders.

"I hope so." Alicia says.

"Which guilds are going to participate in the real Games? You'll find out at the opening ceremony!"

"Looks like we'll have to find out tomorrow then." Alice says.

"Yeah." Alicia replies and Alice stretches her arms.

"Now then, let's get some sleep for tomorrow."

"Okay. Since our turn starts tomorrow." Alicia adds and both of them get to their beds inside the stadium.

~Next day~

The stadium is filled with people cheering for their favorite guilds and waiting which guilds enter the games. As for the Exorcists, they are standing at the very back of the stands.

"Wow. There's a lot of people." Lenalee says as she looks around.

"Yeah." Lavi agrees. "But, with this amount of people, are we really going to find the Akuma?"

"Isn't that why we agree to come here?" Allen questions.

"But still..."

"Be quiet and do the work, Baka Usagi." Kanda retorts.

"Sounds like certain someone is enjoying this."

"I just want this to get over with."

"All right, it's that time of the year! The annual magic festival... The Grand Magic Games! In just a moment, the curtain will rise on the Grand Magic Games. I'm your emcee, Chapati Rola, and next to me is former Council member Yajima-san, who will provide the commentary. Yajima-san, I look forward to working together." Chapati greets.

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