03 | One Shot (Khadijiah1) 'From Me To You'

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This is my Christmas one shot!! hope you guys like it!! ^-^ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!
From Me to You:

"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!" If he could've, the Son for Poseidon probably would've kicked down several doors just to get to the tree. Instead, he climbed over and jumped over all of his sleeping friends.

Who, of course, weren't happy.

"You know, when you said that we could spend the night, I didn't think we'd have to wake up at....holy mother of Hera Percy it's FOUR AM!!" Thalia snapped, glaring at the sheepishly grinning Percy.

"Sorry...it's just Mom is with Paul at his family so you know, I invited you guys so I wouldn't be alone."

"Thanks for reminding us about our dead parents now for the love of Hephaestus can we go back to bed?" Leo asked, rolling over in his sleeping bag.

"What? Come on guys, don't you want presents?"

"Yeah, at a reasonable time Percy. This isn't a reasonable time." Piper yawned. The only one who wasn't up at the moment was Annabeth, which the rest of the demigods considered to be a blessing from the gods, considering she'd most likely kill them all.

"Go back to bed Percy, we'll see you in a few hours." Percy sighed, trudging back to his room sadly. Time to pretend to sleep for the next few hours.


"No need to yell Percy, we're all awake." Jason said. Percy ignored him, jumping over the couch and grinning ear to ear at the tree.

"I think we can all agree what Percy's favorite holiday is." Leo joked, but he was equally excited about getting the gifts.

"We might as well get started with the gift opening." Annabeth said, "Oh, and remember Percy I have to leave at Eleven."

"But Annabeth that's like, four hours away."

"Actually it's three, and I told you; Magnus is throwing his own party at noon time, and I don't want to be late." Stupid son of Frey, Percy thought to himself.

"Nico told me that he and Will would show up around noon actually, now that you mention it." Jason chimed in, his arm around Piper.

"Calypso should be here soon actually. She felt weird about staying at your place." Leo added.

"And tonight my dad has this big holiday bash that I have to go to. Jason is coming with me." Percy groaned.

"Is ANYONE staying?!" Thalia and Leo shrugged.

"I got no plans. And I doubt Death Breath has any." Thalia said. Chuckling, Annabeth grabbed one of the many presents from under the tree.

"Calm down Percy, it's not the end of the world. I know I told you about Magnus's party and I know I mentioned afterwards I'd be heading home with Dad. We went over this." She explained, handing the present over to the very excited son of Hephaestus.

"Are we sure have the paper around Leo is a good idea? I'm pretty sure that's a fire hazard." Jason joked, but it was lost to Leo, whom was to busy ripping apart the small-

"Pocket Knife?" Annabeth sighed.

"It can turn into any tool you need it to Leo. You know, just in case you loose or don't have your tool belt. Forgive me for trying to be practical."

"Oh. Cool!! Thanks Annie!!"

"Don't call me that Valdez." Next was Jason. Percy had gotten him a Superman t-shirt and a cape to go with it.

PJO Magazine Issue #14 - December 2016Where stories live. Discover now