10 | Headcanon

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Hey fam, it's FallOut_Halsey, bringing you this month's headcanon.

After the events of the war, and him missing the entirety of the preceding Christmas, Percy wanted to do something extra special for the holidays this year. Instead of staying at camp or with his mom and step dad, he decided to rent out an entire villa on Olympus, and by 'rent' he meant threaten Zeus into giving it to him since he managed to 'save his almighty behind twice in the span of a year'. He invited the Seven, Nico, Reyna, Thalia, Grover and Rachel to stay the night there. The villa worked like a three-storey room of requirement, as they didn't even have ttime to think about the thing they needed before finding it in front of them. The gang stayed up till midnight to wish each other a Merry Christmas before going to their designated rooms. They were awakened to the voices of the Muses, and then walked into the kitchen to see an entire breakfast feast set out for them. After breakfast, they exchanged presents and spent the rest of the day in their Christmas themed pyjamas, playing board games and complaining about Annabeth's knack for never losing.

PJO Magazine Issue #14 - December 2016Where stories live. Discover now