04 | Interview

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Guess who's back from the brink of exams! :D Yep, me :P
The past month has been pure torture for me, what with studying and finals and whatnot o.o So I had to hurry to finish up this interview, because even the holidays are packed with training camps and stuff.
So this time I'm interviewing our One-Shot writer, khadiijah1 :D Let's get started!
Q: Hi! :) I'm PJO-Magazine's interviewer, mind if I interview you?
No, of course not!
Q: Cool! So you're the magazine's one-shot writer, aren't you? Do you like what you're doing for the magazine?
Yes, I do!! I enjoy writing a lot and this allows me to practice, in a way.
Q: I really admire that! :D I do find it hard to write short stories like one-shots, because usually I like going all-out and writing long stuff until I don't even know where I'm going, XD What do you like writing about, mostly?
Short stories, long stories. I find it good exercise. I don't really have a preference for what to write. Normally it's whatever comes to mind. Fan fiction or maybe something original. Depends on my mood
Q: That's cool :D Why do you like writing, mostly?
I like writing cause it allows me to express my thoughts and ideas, and finally gives me something useful to do with my brain. Plus no one thinks you're crazy if you can write a book about it ;)
Q: My thoughts exactly XD What do you think the magazine needs to improve on?
Well, I am a little disappointed by how late everything has been lately, but I supposed that can't be helped. Communication probably, is a big thing. I know the editors themselves are busy, but I think working on communicating and working as a team would be a big thing to improve on.
Q: Mm, yeah. :P So moving on! Which author do you see as an inspiration?
Inspiration? Hm, I don't know. Probably J.K Rowling, and I know it's cliché but I find it amazing she could create this entire world and have so many people love her for it. I hope one day I can be close enough to LOOK at her level. I also get inspired by Rick Riordan, who has done a similar thing but with myths and legands, and personally I love learning about Mythology.
Q: Yes, Rowling does give us that kind of inspiration spark, doesn't it? :3 What are you thoughts on novel-based movies, like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter?
I think they can be good. If done properly I mean. Harry Potter actually was a good movie series, in my opinion. Percy Jackson was a mess, I don't think they ever looked at the books once. So it depends on the director and how it's done. They can be good or they can be bad.
Q: I see what you mean >.< What else do you do to get inspiration?
A lot of places. Sometimes from a fandom, sometimes from friends or just randomly out of the blue too. It's odd where inspiration will come from sometimes.
Q: Yes, yes it is XD Which author do you look up to?
I don't know. Rick Riordan. He's a pretty chill guy and I like the way he is able to keep readers on their toes with random and well thought out plot twists.
Q: So the usual last question: Any advice for our readers out there? :3
Hm, not usual but interesting. I think my advice would be that life works itself out. If youre stressed or worried about something, then take a deep breath cause it'll be alright. Maybe not as soon as you'd like, but it'll work itself out. The Fates, the Norns, whoever, has a plan for you. You might feel bad now, but one day you'll look back and wonder why the hell you were ever worried.
Q: Okay, that's the end of the interview! Thanks for letting me interview you :3
Of course! It was fun.
And that's about it from khadiijah1! :)
So, it's practically Christmastime now. :D So I'll take this chance to wish you guys a very merry Christmas! :D
Peace out~
-Krysina Chan

PJO Magazine Issue #14 - December 2016Where stories live. Discover now