XX | Afterword

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And thus concludes the fourteenth issue of the PJO Magazine! Hope you all enjoyed. Huge thank you to everyone who went to the effort of handing their pieces in and especially to the back-ups and others who took on extra articles to help out! Thanks to everyone for reading and please don't forget to vote, comment and tell your friends about us! Also, please head over to the PJO_WattyAwards if you have any PJO, HoO or MC stories. They don't need to be completed to be entered.

See you next time!


For issue fifteen, the theme will be New Beginnings, as picked by ShardsofMasks .

Message to PJO Magazine

I am so freaking happy for your timing this month guys. I know most of you had exams this month but you managed to pull through and I'm beyond ecstatic about it. Admittedly, I'm the person responsible for the late issue this time, and I apologize dearly. But way to start out the New Year! I look forward to working with guys during the upcoming year. Hope you're enjoying your break/holidays and did good on your exams. And happy New Year. See you next month!

-Your management staff

PJO Magazine Issue #14 - December 2016Where stories live. Discover now