The experiment

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(Y/N's pov)

"Teleportation experiment 1 in t minus 30 seconds" I could here over the hanger speaker. I quickly checked over the computer screens in the cockpit of my large experimental  space craft, which was about the size of a navy cruiser. "Houston, all systems are a go, commence jump sequence when ready." I said over my ships comma system. "Roger that, Y/N, jump sequence activating in 3........2.........1........jump sequence initiated." Came the response. I felt the nuclear jet engines on the back of my craft start up. "Hey," I thought to reassure myself." If the previous 10 probes could make the jump, then so can I."

(Ruby's pov)

"...and with a reported 8 people killed when a metal object fell out of the sky and hit an apartment complex, this has proven to be the tenth, and deadliest, of the recent crashes. Authorities believe that the white fang is responsible. The White Fang currently has not released a statement..."

Blake turned off the news.
"Aww, come on, Blake, I was watching that!" I groaned.
"Every time something like that happens, the we get blamed! It's not fair!" Blake said.
"FULL HOUSE, ASSHOLE!!" I heard Yang yell at Weiss, slamming her poker hand on the table." Too bad, Weiss!"
"Yeah. That is too bad." Weiss said calmly, laying her cards down on the table. Yang looked at them, and a look of shock crossed her face."ROYAL???FLUSH??? STRAIGHT???" Yang screamed. "Do you know what the odds of that are?" "Yeah, and you just got extremely unlucky." Weiss responded.
All of a sudden, there was a knock at the dorm room door.
"I'll get it!" I said, hopping over to the door. I opened it to be greeted by a frantic Jaune. "Hey Ruby, Ozpin needs to see you and your team immediately!!" He said, and then left.


We were all standing in Ozpins office.
"Now, team RWBY, in the past hour,in the forest about 20 miles from vale,...

(Y/N's pov)

My craft launched forth, going at just under the speed of light, and gaining slowly. If I hit light speed while still in the Higgs field, I would create a Higgs anomaly, which, (it is theorized) would create a black hole, which would destroy the world. My cruiser-size ship left the atmosphere. With no atmosphere or gravity to stop me, my ship started going faster and faster. Just before I reached the speed of light, I activated the experimental warp drive. My ship started shaking heavily. I could see the wormhole enveloping my ship. All of a sudden, the warning light on the digital dashboard started going off. "Warning: hull integrity at 60%."the computer said."Warning: hull integrity at 55%". Realizing that I was in trouble, I pulled up the comms. "Atlas to Houston, Atlas to Houston. Do you read me? My hull integrity is at a critical level. I will initiate an early drive drop-out In 30 seconds unless told otherwise.". I waited for 30 seconds. All I heard was static.
I hit the brb (big red button) that initiated the emergency drop sequence.
I felt the wormhole dissipate and my ship shuddered. I noticed I was above an earth-like planet. "Alert: lower right engine overheating. Reactor at critical level." I heard the computer say. I quickly checked the lower right engine's integrity. 2% integrity.....1% integrity..... "WELL F*CK ME!"I was cut off by the lower right engine exploding. I tried to maintain control as my ship entered the atmosphere of the the planet below. I tried to level my craft out, but I was still losing altitude.
I spotted a relatively flat wooded area... Wait, wooded? That means this planet can support life! "Crap." I thought, remembering just about every sci fi video game ever. Snapping out of my thoughts, I realized how close I was to the wooded area, I braced for impact.
"WELL F*CK ME AGAI..." Was all I could get out before impact.

RUBY's pov

... "A large object has crashed. We believe that it is related to the recent string of crashes of smaller objects. Now, what I'm about to tell you may sound strange, but we believe that the smaller objects were actually "probes" for this craft. We need you to secure the site." Ozpin explained. "A bullhead is waiting outside. Time is of the essence."
We ran outside after grabbing our weapons, and boarded the bullhead.
According to the plan, we need to secure the site until team JNPR and CFVY arrive.

We were dropped off half a mile from the drop site, and started walking to the site. As we neared the top of a hill, Blake, who was in front, turned to us and said " Uhh, Ruby? You might want to see this."

OK!!! This is the first chappie!!! Please comment on what you think should happen next! Also, I inserted a reference to a certain anime. The first one to find the reference gets a cookie and the power to majorly persuade who you end up with. To answer, comment

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