Vale, and the battle

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was running. I had run into a few of those beasts from earlier, but they had become less frequent the farther I ran. Finally, I had to take break. I leaned up against a tree, panting. A few of the flying machines used by the...humans...flew over. I had no doubt they were looking for me. After a short break, I started off again, walking this time. About 45 minutes later I emerged from the forest, onto what appeared to be a road. I saw a sign post. "<---- Vale: 3 miles." It read. "Strange. It must be a settlement." I thought. I had gotten over the fact that there were humans on this planet already. Against my better judgement, I decided to head to the town.

Ruby's pov

I woke up in the hospital wing of Beacon. "Ruby!" Yang exclaimed, jumping up from her seat across the room. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think." I said. A bandage wrapped my shoulder. "When I find that little..." Yang said angrily. "Yang, I'm fine." I told her. "C'mon, let's get back in action." I said to her. "Ozpin said he needed us as soon as Ru-Oh you're awake!" Weiss said, walking in. "Ozpin wanted to talk to us."

Time skip courtesy of Timelords'r'us.

"I'm sure you know the urgency of the situation. This alien took down team JNPR in a matter of seconds, and was last sighted heading towards Vale. The current security measures in place are meant to handle small-scale Grimm attacks, not an alien with unknown powers. They are on alert, regardless. However, since most of our best teams are already deployed, or unconscious, you are the best team we can deploy." Ozpin explained. "I hate to ask this of you, but would you be willing to go out into the field so soon after what just happened?" He asked. "Sure." I said. "Great!" He thanked us. We left his office to go board the bullhead that would take us to Vale.

(Y/n)'s pov

It wasn't a settlement. It was a full on city. I watched stealthily as a patrol of what I presume were robot guards passed by, led by two humans wearing combat armor. After they had passed, I sprinted across the empty street into an alleyway. I snuck around the corner, and came upon what appeared to be a mugging. The two goons looked at me and ran off as I raised my weapon at them. The victim took one look at me and ran off too. He left his wallet behind. I picked it up and examined it. I found what appeared to be an I.D. Card along with some currency. It seemed to be called "yen", and I had a feeling that 350,000 was a good amount of money. I decided to lay low for a while. I continued to sneak through the alleyways, when I came across a weapon store. I was going to walk right by it when an idea hit me. Given how the warriors who confronted me had all used some sort of melee/ranged weapon, I decided that it would be a good idea to get some sort of close combat weapon. I weighed my options, and walked into the store, hoping they wouldn't recognize me. "Hello. Welcome to my little store." The shopkeeper said, not looking up. "Oh, you from Atlas?" He said when he looked up. "Yeah." I responded, deciding to play along. "I'm looking for a strong one-and-a-half-handed sword." I told him. "I just sold the last one yesterday, but I got a nice hybrid one hander." He said, pulling a weapon from under the counter. It looked like a small wheel with a handle in side it, and a blunt, metal component sticking about six inches out of the ring. "It's a nice one, a little pricey, but well worth it." The shopkeeper said, picking it up. "It's got two modes. Sword..." He said, flicking it so a blue plasma blade shot out from the protruding metal component, slightly offset so that the blade ran down the full length of the component, as well as extending about two feet beyond it. "And gun..." He finished, flicking it again so that the component folded slightly, forming the barrel of a pistol, and a trigger protruded from the handle in the wheel. "You can also spin it around the wheel, like this." He flicked it into sword mode and swung it around the wheel by only moving his arm slightly. "Cool..." I said. "How much does it cost?" "125,000 yen. Well worth it, though." The shopkeeper answered. "Sold." I said, fishing out the money from my new wallet. He handed me the weapon, and I walked out into the alleyway. Another flying craft passed over head. I dove behind a dumpster in the alleyway, near the street. I heard two people in the street talking, and I decided to listen in. "There have been a bunch of bullheads flying by recently. You know what's up?" "No idea, man, but it must be important." "You think it's related to those crashes?" "Probably. You here the rumors?" "No, tell me." "So, supposedly, a huge one of those things crashed in the forest outside Vale, and it had some alien in it, and the alien is super powerful or something." "No way." "It's probably just crap." I couldn't here anything else, because loud voice boomed from overhead. "CITIZENS: PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR HOMES, OR THE NEAREST BUILDING. DO NOT REMAIN IN THE STREET. ALL CITIZENS SPOTTED OUTSIDE WILL BE DETAINED." It repeated a few times. I saw a few of those crafts, bullheads, they were called, land on the street, and the roofs of nearby buildings. "Fan out! Fan out! Move! Move!" Soldiers were yelling orders as they spilled out of the crafts. I could also see that they were landing all around the city. "Squad 3! Clear that alleyway!" Someone commanded, and I heard footsteps moving on my direction. I sprinted further down the alleyway, desperate to escape. Both my footsteps, and the footsteps of my pursuers echoed down the alleyway. "This way! I heard something!" The footsteps grew closer. I turned the corner into a long, straight stretch of alley, with a barbed fence in the middle. I took off towards it. "Citizen! Stop!" I heard behind me. I leapt over the fence with ease. "Target spotted! Engaging!" I heard as bullets whizzed by me. I turned the corner. The fence would hold them, but not for long. I regretted going to the city.

Ruby's pov

"Target spotted in the alleyway between 16th and 3rd. We're gonna set you down near there." The copilot of the bullhead told us. "Remember: we need it alive, although don't hesitate kill it if your life is in danger." Ozpin told us through the radio as we prepared to drop. "Approaching drop site! 3...2...1...". We jumped down onto the roof of a building across the street from where the...person? was last seen. I got into a firing position on the rooftop while Blake, Yang, and Weiss moved to engage on ground level. I loaded a high-explosive round into crescent rose, and lined up the alleyway in my sights, just as something rounded the corner...

First off, I wanna give a shoutout to my friend Noah, who was the first person to read this! (I showed it to him on the busy home) Second of all, thank you for waiting for me to finish this chapter. I had to take a little break from wattpad :( . You can expect the next chapter in about a week or so. Thanks for the support!

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