The meeting

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I went up to where Blake was standing. I looked over the hill and my jaw dropped. The ship was huge. It was just smaller than an Atlas cruiser, and of the same design as what Ozpin called  "Probes" that had been falling out of the sky recently. By now, yang and Weiss had joined us. "What..." Weiss said. "...The fuck?" Yang finished.
I noticed how the ship had smashed through the trees for about a mile before coming to a rest here. Blake pointed to the trail the ship left behind. "My guess is that the ship crashed about a mile southwest of here, and then its momentum carried it here." She pointed to an area about 1000 yards away. "Then it spun 20 degrees, and tried to lift off, but couldn't,". She pointed to an area where only the tops of the trees were destroyed."and that would put the nose... There." She said and pointed at part of the ship that looked Like a glass dome. "Holy shit, Blake, you are SMART!!" Yang said.
"Thanks." Blake said.

We started to walk down the hill. We drew our weapons when we reached the bottom.

(Y/N's pov)

I groaned when I barely regained consciousness. I opened my eyes to see that I had survived. I reached back behind my seat to grab my  fusion carbine, but couldn't. I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed it, along with a few grenades and a pistol. I looked around the classroom sized cockpit and
tried to find the emergency airlock door in the near-darkness. I finally found the damn door, after about a minute. If you were thinking "Hey Y/N, ya dummy, why don't ya just use the strength-enhancing armor, and punch a damn hole through the big observation window?". well, that's because the reinforced steel emergency shield has covered up the observation window of the cockpit. That's also why it was so dark, too. I checked the monitor by the door. "Well, the air's breathable, so..." I thought to my self. I hit the open button and it started cranking the door open. It opened up. Well, here goes nothing. I jumped down anout 30 feet to the ground, since the ship was tilted at an angle. Surprisingly, it didn't even feel the pressure compensators activate, even though it was a decent fall. Strange. I felt lighter, so maybe the gravity was weaker hear. I heard a strange growl of some sort from behind me. I turned around, and saw a large black creature with a white bone like mask on its face. Luckily, it hadn't seen me yet, so I crouched behind a piece of wreckage. The creature radiated an aura of hostility and I could tell it wanted to kill. I loaded my gun and stood up. "Surprise muthafuka." I said as I opened fire.

Ruby's pov

As we neared the craft,we noticed a small column of smoke begin to rise, following a quiet boom. "White fang?"
Weiss asked. "Probably." I said. "They would be interested in something like this." We crept a little closer. We were now by the wreckage, hiding by what was probably the engines. The sound of gunfire echoed across the clearing. We crept around to see a horde of Grimm charging towards something.

(Y/N)'s pov

"System check: Gravity. Compare to Earth." I said as I gunned down the last of the creatures. There had been more than I expected. "Gravity: %30.675 of Earth's gravity." My suit's computer responded. 30.7! I could barely believe it! I jumped over the corpses of the beasts. With ease, I might add. One last creature charged me. I decked it in the face, knocking it back about 10 meters. Since the creatures on this planet had grown to suit this planet's gravity, I was much stronger in comparison (Having grown up on Earth.). I reloaded my rifle, and almost broke the clip, seeing as how I moved much faster in the low gravity. I noticed something colorful out of the corner of my eye...

Ruby's pov.

We slowly crept closer, weapons ready.
A grey humanoid figure leapt over the decomposing Grimm. I had it in my sights in an instant. It appeared to have not noticed us yet. A final Beowulf charged it. The figure punched the Grimm with enough force to knock it back at least 15 feet. "Woah" Yang said, only to get shushed by Weiss. The figure looked straight at us and raised some sort of weapon. A shiver went down my spine.

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