Well, f*ck: p.1

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(Y/n)'s pov

I heard the round before I saw it. As I rounded the corner, a sniper across the street fired a shot. No, a shell. It felt like time slowed down. I barely dodged it. The explosion knocked me off my feet, into the wall of the alleyway. I felt the wall crack behind me. I crumpled to the ground. My left leg felt like it was on fire. I knew it was broken. I struggled to get up while I felt my suit moving to splint my leg. The soldiers behind me had finally got through the fence, and had fanned out behind me. In front, three familiar figures blocked my way, while soldiers fanned out behind them as well, weapons at the ready. The white girl ordered me to put my hands in the air, so I did. The yellow one approached me. I realized that her weapons were gauntlet-like fists that had what appeared to be shotgun shells wrapped around them. I looked her in the face. I realized how nervous she was. She raised her fists. We stared at each other. "You better hope the first one knocks me out." I said menacingly as she punched me into unconsciousness.

Time skip Loading screens courtesy of Vault-Tec

Ruby's pov

We were in Ozpin's office while he debriefed us. "...We believe it to be a human male. Judging by what the scientists working at the crash site have found, we believe he might be from an alternate universe, as the engines seem to be powered by a substance that is not found on Remnant." "Wait, alternate universe?" Blake asked. "Yes. An alternate version of Remnant. We don't believe it was intentional for him to end up here, however. This might have been the result of an accident involving the ship." He informed us. Ozpin's scroll buzzed, and he answered it. "Yes, I've got them here...You think?...Really? Interesting..." He put the scroll down. "Our friend finally woke up. I want you four come with me for questioning." He told us. "We wouldn't want to keep him waiting, would we?"

(Y/n)'s pov

I awoke groggily. I was still in my suit. I tried to move my arms, but they were pinned behind my back. I tried to break out of my bindings. The cuffs were magnetic, and incredibly strong, even by my standards. I couldn't move around the room, as the cuffs were also attached to a magnetic pole. Every time I pulled them apart, they would snap back together. I gave up. I decided to examine my surroundings. I was in some sort of large room. About 15 feet up on one side there was a one-way mirror. The room was about 40 feet long, and maybe 20-25 feet tall, with me in the middle. I heard the clank and whoosh of an airlock door opening behind me. I strained to look behind me, but couldn't. I heard footsteps approaching. Four, maybe five people, I couldn't tell. A man walked into my field of vision, but the others waited just outside of it. "Well, it seems that you're awake, so I'll get down to business. My name is Ozpin. What is your name?" He asked. I was tempted to suggest where he should put a particularly spiky cactus, but I decided he wasn't someone I wanted to pick a fight with. "(Y/n)" I told him. He looked rather surprised that I answered him, but he hid it quickly. "(Y/n)?" "Yup." "Would you mind telling me where you're from? Or why you're here?" He inquired. And so I told him the whole story. "Well then, seeing as you will be here for a while, I might as well fill you in on where you are." Ozpin started. "This world is called Remnant. You are in an area called Vale. More specifically, you are at Beacon academy, a school for training Hunters and Huntresses. When they graduate, they are tasked with defending the masses from most threats, chief amongst them being the Grimm." "Grimm?" I interjected. "They are beings of pure evil, drawn to hate and anger like flies. I believe you encountered some after you...crashed." "Ohhh, those things." "Yes. Specifically, the ones you fought are called ursa. It's one of the most common types of Grimm. But yes, where I'm going with this is that I have a proposition for you. You can either become a prisoner of the Atlas military, or you can join here at Beacon academy." "Well then, I can go to jail or school. Same thing, but I'll go with school." I thought to myself. "I will accept your proposition." I told him. "I had a feeling you would."

"Normally, new students have to go through initiation to prove themselves, but I think think that taking down two of my best teams clears that up." "What do you mean by teams?" I inquired. "All students are divided into teams of four. However, I think I can make an exception for you. You'll be with team RWBY." He explained. "You can step forward now." He said to the people behind me. I heard them walking towards me. The girls from earlier stepped forward, and I assumed they were team RWBY. This time, I managed to actually get a good look at them. The first one was wearing a red cloak, and although she seemed kind of shy, and was noticeably shorter than the rest, I got the feeling she was in charge. The second one was wearing a white dress, and seemed kind of stuck up a little bit. The third one was wearing black, with a little bow on her head. I could have sworn I saw it twitch. The last one, a blonde, was wearing a yellow tank top with a yellow vest, and had rather large... Goddamnit, (Y/n), get your mind out of the gutter. You don't want alien STD's. "They'll take you to your new dorm." Ozpin told me, motioning to the door behind me as my shackles disengaged. I got up, and walked to the door with team RWBY. We walked in silence to the door, only the sound of my armor softly clinking, at which point Thundertits decided to introduce herself. "Hi. I'm Yang. This is my little sister, Ruby." She said, motioning toward Shorty McGiantassscythe. "I'm Weiss." The one in white said. "The last girl stared at me for a second before snapping out of it and introducing herself. "Huh? Oh, hi. I'm Blake." She said.

Holy shite I'm sorry for not posting when I said I would. I had a bunch a shite going on and I didn't have time to continue the story. I will try to update sooner but we'll see how that turns out. Also, shoutout to my friend Ari. Yeet.

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