The escape

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(Y/n)'a pov

I was sprinting through the forest when I heard the sound of engines roaring overhead. Clearly these aliens were smart. I sprinted at full speed when a pink explosion knocked me off my feet. As I was in the air, a rust colored spear of some sorts blasted me back. I hit the ground and rolled to a stop. I struggled to get up. "So this is how it ends. Hunted and killed by fecking aliens." I mumbled to myself as I stood up. All of a sudden I was surrounded. "Halt. You have committed crimes against Vale and her people. What say you in your defense?" A red headed figure said, pointing some sort of grenade launcher at me. "I always wanted to say that." It looked like a female human with short red hair. Wait. Did it just speak English? "Area scan: nearby life forms: possible matches." I said quietly as I put my hands up. "Nearby life forms: 4. Possible matches: Homo Sapien. Compatibility rate: 94%." My computer reported. "What are we gonna do with him?" The redhead said to another person with a streak of pink running through his hair. "Wait for Jaune and Pyrrha to get here." He replied. Considering what I just went through, I suppose I'm taking the news that they're human pretty well. A blonde male and another redhead female emerged from the forest. They started talking. "It's gotta be an way...break its legs..." "You know I can hear you, correct? I spoke with an edge of sarcasm. They all turned to look at me. It was time to put my plan into action. I opened fire on the hammer girl, but the bullets did the same thing to her like they did to scythe girl. Nonetheless she seemed hurt. The other redhead leveled a rifle at me, but I dodged and brought my elbow into her face. I one of the boys whipped out two green guns, but couldn't fire off any shots before I bashed him in the face with the butt of my rifle. The blonde tried slashing me with a sword but I blocked it with the back of my armored hand. I brought my gun around to fire into his gut when he blocked it with a shield. I hooked the bottom of the shield with my knee and wheel kicked him with the other leg. I sprinted off in a random direction.

Jaune's pov

The alien-human-thing ran off. "Team JNPR is down. Target heading towards Vale. Requesting evac....." I weakly radioed in before blacking out.

Hey guys! It's me! I'm sorry if these chapters aren't as good as the first one. I kinda have been rushing these last few out, so I'll probably take a break for a while after these. Feedback is greatly appreciated, so please leave a comment!

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