One: The Message

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*I was walking along a path in the dark forest. Sweat was pouring down from everywhere. Every single noise made me jump.

I couldn't find a way out of this creepy place. My friends were nowhere to be found and it was starting to get really cold.

"Vivi! Mystery!" I shouted and sighed afterwards. "Where are you guys?"

"Hello, Arthur," greeted a different voice that seemed familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time.

I froze in my spot, afraid that if I moved, I'd be killed. Shivering, I could feel the person behind me getting closer. I couldn't stop trembling. Coward.

"Long time, no see," the voice continued. It then let out a ghostly laugh. "I guess that would make sense, seeing how you killed me and all."

My heart dropped, along with my jaw.

"Come on, bud. I know you remember me."

I couldn't find the right words to say and I couldn't stop shaking.

"Of're afraid of me, aren't you?" the ghost laughed again. "Heh, you always were such a pathetic coward, Arthur."

"G-go a-a-away," I managed to stammer.

"Ah, so you can still speak." It was then he decided to float in front of me.

His magenta, pompadour glowed beautifully in the darkness, along with the magenta rings in his eye sockets.

"L-L-Lewis," I muttered his name.

I felt tears brimming my eyes as I looked at him and the memories flooded my brain.

"I...I'm so s-so sorry!" I cried.

"Sorry? You're sorry?!" I could feel Lewis' heat. He was getting pissed really quickly. "Sorry isn't going to cut it. Sorry isn't going to change this! SORRY isn't going to fix me!!"

With every sorry, he stepped toward me and I stepped backward. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up to his face.

"Sorry isn't going to bring me back to my family. You ruined that for me, you little punk, and now you're gonna pay."

Lewis threw me to the ground. He held out four fingers.

"Four have four days until your fate is sealed. Be happy that I'm not sealing it tonight."

Lewis turned to leave. "Don't forget."*

Arthur jumped up in his bed with a scream of fear. Sweat poured heavily from his forehead and he couldn't seem to catch his breath. He looked around with scared eyes. He only found darkness in his room...until he spotted something moving.

"H-hello? I-is someone there?" Arthur trembled and kept his eye on the place he saw something move.

The moving thing started walking toward Arthur's bed and the young man started trembling even more.

"St-stay a-away!" Arthur's voice cracked in horror as he backed toward the edge of the bed. "P-please! D-don't hurt me L-Le-WHOA!"

Arthur rubbed his butt as he fell off of the bed. The thing had just jumped onto his bed, but hurried to peek down to Arthur.

"M-Mystery?! I-It was o-only y-you?!" Arthur cried and sighed in relief. "You nearly g-gave me a h-heart attack, b-boy."

The dog just tilted his head and stuck out his tongue. Arthur smiled and stood up. He pat the dog's head and headed toward the bathroom.

"I w-wonder wh-what was with th-that creepy dream..." the blonde wondered.

He knew Lewis had to be after him after that haunted mansion incident. That ghost was definitely Lewis and he definitely wanted revenge for what happened in that cave. Did that dream have something to do with the ghost's revenge? Arthur shrugged. It was just a strange nightmare that probably came from the terrible memories he couldn't get out of his head.

He fumbled with the light switch until it eventually flickered on. Sighing, he relieved himself. He couldn't keep those words out of his head.

Four days until your fate is sealed...

Arthur shook his head doubtfully. Besides, it was only a dream. Nothing was real about it. He would never find himself in a dark, creepy forest by himself. Also, how could Lewis have found him out there? There was no possible logical explanation for what happened in his dream. Arthur was sure of it now. He wouldn't die in four days...especially since his birthday was in exactly four days.

He finished quickly and turned to the sink to wash his hands. Looking at the mirror made him freeze. Something was written in pink...flames?


" no n-no!" Arthur cried in fear. "It c-can't be r-real! It can't..."

Arthur couldn't believe his eyes when he saw more pink flames spell out more words.


"Lewis..." Arthur whispered the name. "I-It's...r-real!? Oh k-kill me n-now...NO, wait, d-don't! N-not yet!"

Arthur trembled and stumbled out of the bathroom. He ran back to his bedroom and jumped onto the bed. Mystery barked at his owner in confusion.

"Huh?!" He squeaked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, M-Mystery, h-honest!"

The dog raised an eyebrow concerned.

"I-I'm fine...j-just need to sleep," Arthur closed his eyes and tried to get more sleep.

His mind couldn't stop thinking about the message from Lewis in his dream and the mirror. Something like this had never happened to him before. He didn't want to involve his friends because he didn't want them to be heartbroken by the news. Then again, Vivi could probably help him get rid of Lewis and Mystery would help by becoming that giant thing he turned into when he tore off his arm. Besides, if he did die in four days, they'd still be heartbroken...right?

Sleep wouldn't come to him with these thoughts in his brain. However, he continued to lay in bed. Arthur looked over to Mystery, who was yawning.

"Come here, boy," Arthur pat the bed and the dog jumped on the bed next to him. "I'm g-gonna watch s-some TV, okay?"

Mystery licked Arthur's prosthetic arm before curling up into a ball. Arthur smiled and turned on the TV to Cartoon Network, which at these times was Adult Swim. Maybe watching some adult cartoons would soothe his mind a little and distract him from the situation.


Alright, first chapter's done before 2017! YES! Thanks to everyone who helped pick out the cover! Arthur won by a landslide, I got like 4 for Arthur and 1 for Lewis.  Anyways, welcome to my very first MSA fanfiction! I probably would've written one sooner (like when it first came out sooner) but I only learned about it a few months ago...sorry. This story is only based on the "Ghost" one, not the "Freaking Out" one, so no Shiromori...sorry again (I didn't really understand it anyway).

I hope you guys will enjoy this story as much as I LOVED writing this! I think you guys will love it, almost as much as I love it. If you guys did love it, make sure to leave a vote/comment and let's celebrate this New Year together!

Get the sparkling cider! The party hats! The horns! Let's celebrate 2017! WOO! I'm pumped!

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