Seventeen: Day Four, Happy Birthday?

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Night became day and Arthur was ready. He was dressed in his usual attire, he didn't bother to comb his hair, it wouldn’t matter in a couple of hours. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, grabbed his keys, and started to head out.

“Wait!” called out a small voice.

“That sounded like...A-Aria?” Arthur looked behind him and saw the pink Deadbeat in front of him.

“I just want to say...good luck today…” Aria said sadly. “Oh, and happy birthday.”

Arthur smiled. “Thanks, and don’t worry about it. I’m ready to face the inevitable. I’m...just a little concerned for Vivi and Mystery.”

“...I’m sure they’ll be upset, but...I know they can get through it together…”


“I gotta go before Master gets suspicious. We’ll see you later, Arthur.”

“Bye, Aria. It was nice knowing you.”

With that, Aria flew away. Arthur took a deep breath before leaving his house, entering his car, and starting the engine.

“Well, I come.”


Vivi woke up in her bedroom on the bed. If she remembered correctly, she fell asleep on the floor crying her eyes out. How’d she end up on the bed in her bedroom?

“I thought you’d be more comfortable in a bed.”

Vivi sat up and looked around until she found a rather dapper, red-themed, tall man leaning on her doorway. The black and red spikes on his head and yellow spectacles on his nose made it easy to point out that this was Mystery.

“Mystery?” Vivi asked. “’re a human?”

“No, silly, a kitsune, remember?” Mystery smiled at the girl and walked over to sit next to her on the bed. “I can transform into anything I wish.”

“’s going to take a while for me to get used to this…” Vivi rubbed her head.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m okay...I think…” Vivi sniffled, feeling tears threatening to return. “I have to stay strong...we have to save Arthur…” Realization struck in her eyes. “Mystery...we have to save Arthur!”

“Don’t worry, we will,” Mystery smiled reassuringly. “Now, come on! Get ready! I have an idea of where Arthur will be.”


“Mommy! Let’s go!” Paprika cheered and grabbed her mom’s hand. “We’re going to be late for Arthur’s birthday party!”

“Alright, Paprika, get in the car, we’ll be ready in a minute,” Kia smiled and kissed her daughter’s forehead.

“Okay, mommy!”

Paprika ran outside to get in the car, when she noticed something pink floating by.

“Follow me,” it said. “Trust me.”

“Okay!” Paprika cheered and followed the small pink ghost quickly.

She realized it was leading her to Vivi’s house. “Hurry and I’ll get you into the car. You have to go with them to the cave.”

“But...what about the birthday party?” Paprika asked.

“It’s going to be running a little late if we make it in time.”

As they approached the car, the pink ghost phased Paprika into the car. “Now stay there and stay quiet so they don’t suspect anything, okay?”


The ghost left and Paprika waited for her friend to get in the car. It took awhile before she heard rushing to the car and the unlocking of the doors.

“Come on, there’s no time to waste,” Mystery rushed.

“You don’t have to worry about wasting time,” Vivi smirked. “Hold on tight, it’s gonna be a fast ride.”

The car started and they were all off to their location.


The Pepper family and Arthur’s uncle had arrived at Vivi’s house at the same time.

“Morning, Lance,” greeted Kia.

“Ah, mornin’ Peppers. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” Lance smiled.

“Mr. Lance! When’s Arthur coming?!” asked Cayenne.

“Yeah! And where’s Vivi?” wondered Belle. “She should’ve been here to greet us by now.

“Your father’s knocking on the door now, sweetheart,” Kia fixed Belle’s hair.

“That’s strange...I’m not getting a response,” Peño shouted from the door.

Everyone turned to Peño confusedly.

“Why wouldn’t she be home?” Kia asked.

“Maybe girlie went to go get something for the party,” Lance suggested.

“I doubt it. She’s always prepared for everything.”

“Mom...where’s Paprika?” asked Belle almost frantically.

Kia’s face paled. “Peño!! Where’s our baby girl!!!???”

“I thought you told her to go wait in the car!” Peño panicked.

“Nobody checked to see if she was actually in there!?”

“I saw her go outside,” Cayenne offered.

“Yeah, I did too,” Belle added. “Maybe she...uuuhhh…….”

Belle pointed to a pink ghost that was watching them. Everyone turned to where she was pointing and gasped at the sight.

“It’s a...ghost!!?” Kia screamed.

“Calm down, I mean no harm,” the ghost said softly. “Listen, my name is Aria and Arthur needs your help!”

“My nephew’s in trouble?! What’s going on?!” Lance called out.

“Where’s our baby girl?! Do you know?!” Kia asked threateningly.

“She is with Vivi and Mystery,” Aria told them. “They are on their way to rescue Arthur.”

“How did she end up you have something to do with-”

“Yes, I led her to Vivi’s car. She is safe and will remain safe if we hurry!”

“How dare you take our sister without permission!?” Belle shouted angrily. “She’s still young!”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but we need to go!” Aria stated patiently.

“You didn’t answer my question, missy. What’s going on with my nephew?! Why’s he need saving?” Lance asked worriedly.

“...Lance...your nephew’s in serious danger. I’ll explain it on the way, okay?”

“I’m not going anywhere ‘til you tell me why Arthur’s in danger!”

“My Master is going to murder him!”

This Time I'll Make You Disappear (Mystery Skulls Animated)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя