Twenty: Day Four, Realization

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“Arthur! I’m...I’m so sorry!” Lewis hugged Arthur tightly. “I should’ve listened! I shouldn’t have let my emotions blind me from the truth! I just wanted to be so angry at you! I’m so sorry for scaring you! For haunting you! For almost killing you! You don’t deserve anything like that! Ever!”

Arthur just hugged him back tightly and cried on Lewis’ chest.

“Did we do it?” Vivi asked wiping her eyes again.

“I’d say so,” Mystery smiled at the two of them hugging it out.

“I knew he wouldn’t do it! He’s Lew-Lew, and Lew-Lew wouldn’t hurt anybody!” Paprika chirped.

“Hey, where’s that little pink ghost thing?” asked Lance.

“Thank you all!” Aria giggled happily as she was released from Lewis’ form.

“US?! We should be thanking you!” Kia exclaimed.

“If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even be here to help,” Peño said.

“It wasn’t that big of a deal. Really. I just wanted to save Arthur,” Aria smiled.

It was a good ten minutes before the two stars of this situation finished hugging and floated down to the rest of them. Lance and Vivi were the first to walk up to Arthur. Lance hit Arthur’s head and Vivi punched Arthur’s right arm.

“OW! Wh-what was that for!?” Arthur groaned and rubbed the abused spots.

“Next time you’re being haunted by a ghost, tell Vivi immediately!” Lance scolded and hugged his nephew. “You’re the only family I’ve got left, you hear?”

“Arthur, anytime you’re in trouble, I would be more than happy to help you!” Vivi said. “You just have to tell me, okay!?”

“Okay, Vivi. I promise, no more secrets,” Arthur smiled and accepted Vivi’s hug.

“That goes for me too, coward,” smirked Mystery, “I’m always here to help you. I’m your loyal kitsune for crying out loud!”

“Alright, I understand, buddy,” Arthur placed a hand on Mystery’s head. “I appreciate all of you guys coming to help me.”

“, Kay, Belle...I...I’m so sorry you had to see me like that,” Lewis apologized.

“It’s just good to see you again, kiddo,” Kia started crying and Lewis immediately went to hug her.

“Mom, no, don’t cry. It’s okay. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere,” Lewis shed a few tears as well.

“We missed much...we never thought we’d ever see you again, Lew,” Peño sniffled and joined the hug.

“We want in too!” screamed the sisters in sync.

Lewis opened his arms and caught the three of them with his giant arms.

“I missed you three too,” Lewis squeezed them tightly, but not tight enough to choke them.

“We missed you too, big bro!” Paprika cheered.

Lewis chuckled happily and looked up to notice Vivi staring at him. His eyes lit up, watching his little blueberry walking over to him.

“Vivi!” he cheered.

The bluenette didn’t say anything as she continued to make her way over to him. The sisters released their family hug.

When Vivi arrived she instantly punched his left arm. Hard.

“That’s for trying to kill Arthur.” Vivi punched Lewis’ right arm. “That’s for letting your emotions cloud your vision.” Vivi slapped his skull, making it spin around multiple times. “That’s for taking away my memories.” Vivi stopped his skull from spinning and kissed him where his lips would be. She embraced him as tears started falling. She remembered this, even though Lewis couldn’t really kiss back like she knew he used to. “And...that’s for everything else, you big goofball!”

Lewis hugged Vivi tightly and snuggled his skull in her neck. “I deserved that…” he laughed. “I missed you, have no idea.”

“Heh, if it was shown in that giant mansion of yours when me, Mystery, and Arthur barged in that night, then I have a pretty clear idea of how much you missed me,” Vivi smiled.

“What do you mean?” Lewis asked confused.

“When you were chasing us and I stepped in front of Arthur, you went from full on rage mode to shock and sadness.” Vivi lay her head on Lewis’ chest.

“Oh...right. I remember that.”

Arthur smiled at the two of them. Mystery looked at Arthur.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I c-couldn’t be better, actually,” Arthur sighed. “I’ve g-got my f-family back.”

“Good...I’m gonna transform now.”

“Whatever m-makes you c-comfortable.”

“Arthur?” asked a shy voice from Lewis. “I...I really am truly sorry...for everything I did. I always jump to conclusions, but I kinda went overboard this time…”

“Lewis, it’s okay. I f-forgive you...just d-don’t do it again,” Arthur smiled. “You r-really freaked me out.”

“That’s a promise I can make.” Lewis laughed and hugged Arthur again. “I forgive you too.”

“Thanks, bro.”

Lewis tensed at that word. Bro. Lewis teared up a little as he continued to hug his best friend.

“So, uh...birthday party?” Paprika announced.

“Oh! In the middle of this mess, I totally forgot about your birthday!” Vivi squealed. “Happy birthday, Arthur!”

Vivi squeezed Arthur tightly.

“Th-thanks, V-Vivi,” Arthur squirmed, trying to break free of the death hug.

“’s always your birthday on Christmas Eve,” Lewis realized. “Aw, geez, I’m a real jerk, huh? Trying to kill you on your birthday, what’s wrong with-”

“Lew, stop it,” Arthur interrupted him. “No need to beat yourself up about it. It’s in the past.”

“Right...sorry.” Lewis blushed. “Um, happy birthday, Artie.”

“Thanks! N-now, Vivi...let’s g-get to that awesome birthday party y-you have planned f-for me,” Arthur smiled.

“Yeah!” Vivi cheered.

Everyone started leaving the cave to get to their cars. Lewis and Arthur stayed behind.

“You’re invited...i-if you wanna c-come,” Arthur said.

“Won’t people question a ghost?” Lewis asked.

“You have a h-human form, Lew. M-must I remind you o-of everything?” Arthur asked teasingly.

“Oh yeah, heh...sorry.”

“You apologize too much,” Arthur chuckled. “Change and c-come on. You c-can r-ride with me, bud.”

Lewis swiftly transformed so that he looked more like his past self. Arthur smiled and rushed him.

“That’s s-so cool how you c-can do that, you know?” the blonde laughed.

“’s just the eyes are a little weird,” Lewis pointed out.

“Don’t worry, I usually h-have a pair o-of sunglasses in my c-car.”

“Come on you slowpokes!” Vivi screamed.

The two of them laughed. Vivi was always calling them the slowpokes.

“Let’s go, bro,” Arthur smiled.

“Yes, let’s,” Lewis agreed and followed Arthur to his car.

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