Chapter 1-adams life-

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-Adams pov-

I was at the docks fishing by myself mostly because... well my parents were dead! Yep that went from zero to one hundred quickly but I mean I don't remember them dying. The only thing I ever remember is the nice lady from the orphanage raising me and her telling me to never take off my shades! Even inside I had to keep them on.

I caught a fish a put it in the chest I had made for myself specifically to put food in. I put my chest full of fish into a wagon throwing the rod in there as well before I took the handle of the Budder colored wagon and we started moving.

I walked through the town on a... cloudy day people giving me weird looks as I passed them. 'It's probably because of my shades' I thought as I just kept moving. I made it to the orphanage and there was the nice lady waiting for me. "There you are my child! Did you get the fresh fish for dinner tonight?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Now come inside my child I heard it was going to rain today" she said as she led me inside. Inside I saw my two best friends who were also my roommates playing pretend. "Oh prince ty! There must be a way to stop this war" Jason said to ty who was wearing a cardboard crown as he looked down at Jason.

"No! There is nothing that can stop this war! Between both of our kingdoms only one must remain!" Ty said. I took a yellow cape and another cardboard  crown painted it a yellow color and put them on me as I walked over to the two.  "Well if only one kingdom can remain then I believe that it should be a kingdom where we all can rule! It will be called minecraftia! And from there on there will be one big team! That team will be called team crafted! That team will stop anything that got in there way! Even herobrine himself won't stand a chance!" I said standing proud.

"Yea! Well be unstoppable and all evil won't stand a chance!" Ty said. "Well be heroes!" Jason said smiling. All three of us looked at each other, "let's go my fellow team crafted members! We must go build our own city where we will rule and protect the fair people of our dear city!" I said and all three of us nodded.

We walked up to a lady who worked at the orphanage and asked if we could get our own play space. She nodded and we were led to a big open area with a chest filled with blocks. "You kids have fun and you can let other kids in if you want!" She said before leaving.

"Nice! We got our space to build a sanctuary!" Ty said. "Yes but... is it enough to build an entire city?" Jason asked. "N-no it's not! But it's just enough to build an small town with a castle!" I said. I grabbed a few cobblestone blocks from the chest along with some glowstone.

Ty and Jason quickly jumped into action and with that our imagination went wild as we created small houses and one giant castle in the middle as we created our kingdom in the warehouse sized space.

-time skip-

We all took a few steps back as we gazed upon the creation we created. "This is awesome!" Ty yelled. "Now why don't us kings go and rule our kingdom!" I yelled and we all nodded running into our kingdom we had built.

In the beginning Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant