Chapter 5 -humans and baccas-

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-Mitch's pov-

Now I think about it... those shoes... dad let me put on wouldn't be so bad by now! My feet were killing me and I felt like they were on actual fire! Mostly because some fire ants bit me a few minutes ago but they still hurt! I was shaking a bit as the cold left me freezing... maybe next time I'll ask for a jacket before leaving...

The bacca Jerome seemed to notice me slowing down and he picked me up and my first human instinct was to move my arms around his neck and head close to his neck. He kept me up by keeping a hold on my legs. "W-why are you being so nice to me..." I asked him stuttering a bit. I hate it how my weakness shows... I hate how is shows around him too...

"Because... I for one know that your a human... and humans tend to have feelings and emotions just like every little thing... they also don't have fur... which means they can die easily in extremely cold weathers. I don't want that to happen to you... mostly because your... a good friend" he said and I felt a bit... what was the word?shocked! Yea shocked...

I absolutely didn't know what to say in this! I've never been talked to about friends! The only I know is all the basics of a kid my age and how to use weapon, build portals,and so much more! "I-I guess you are too..." I said and he just smiled. I rested my head onto his shoulder enjoying his soft fluffy brown fur. "Your... so soft..." I mumbled and apparently he heard me since he chuckled a bit.

"Of cpourse I'm a bacca! We animals are naturally soft!" He said but of course I didn't... I was getting really sleepy... and this was completely new to me! I tried to stay awake but of course failing was the only option. With that I fell asleep on him.

-Jerome's pov-

I heard him snoring softly... he just a normal human. Earlier I sensed something rather odd about him but now I'm positive he's just like the other humans who just happens to like baccas and become friends with them! My dad is wrong about humans... that is what might of caused his kingdom to fall... along with his death!

He kinda had it coming though I guess... I'm just not gonna talk about it anymore...

-Time skip-

Soon we made it to ever tree city and it was beautiful! All the lights and all the people! It was amazing! I walked into town holding Mitch still with me. People gave me weird looks and some even asked what a bacca was doing here!

"Now... let me think... when your and orphan you go to- the orphanage!" I said to myself and I walked at a quick place to the nearest orphanage. Soon I made it to what looked like a mall for kids... I'm guessing this is it. I walked up to the door and knocked on the door.

It took a few minutes before someone opened the door up and looked at us letting us quickly inside. "Oh are you two ok? Are any of you hurt?" Was some questions I heard as the people who worked here bursts out with questions. One lady took Mitch away from me... surprisingly it took a while for The lady to get Mitch off of me cause he held onto me so tightly.

"Is Mitch gonna be ok miss?" I asked her and she nodded. "He has a very bad cold but he should recover in a few days. In the meantime I'll lead you to the special kids." She said leading me down a hallway. "So what's your name?" She asked me and I told her my name and all that. "So Jerome this is the special room where all the "special kids" sleep!" She said before opening the door to see what looked like a pillow war.

"You'll never take me alive!" A boy in a spacesuit yelled before getting hit it the face by a mudkips pillow. "Then well take you dead!" He said dragging him back into the pillow fort. "Kids! Get back into your beds!" The lady yelled and they all quickly got into there rightful places. "Good now this is Jerome! He will be sleeping in this room so I don't want you you all giving him a hard time you got that?" She told the kids and they nodded.

I got into an empty bed on the bottom bunk luckily someone put me I pajamas so I didn't have to change into any. The lady turned off the lights before closing the door. One kid turned on a flashlight and shined it at me. All the kids watched as well so it was a bit creepy. "Hey your Jerome right? My names sky, the leader of team crafted! Then over there we got ty then Jason then Ian then the fish!" Sky said before the mudkip whispered. "I'm an amphibian!"

"Anyway you want to be in team crafted with us all?" He asked and I hesitated before nodding. "Sure but... can my friend also be in this group?" I asked and sky nodded. "Don't worry your friends will be in our group once he's better!" He said before turning off the light. "How did you know he was sick?" I asked and there was silence. "We were listening through the door..." some kid said before there were lots of shushing. Then back to silence. I sighed before turning to the side and falling asleep.

I just hope Mitch is ok...

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