Chapter 3 -bacca lifestyle-

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-Jerome pov-

I woke up somewhere late in the afternoon as usual but abnormally to the sound of baccas chanting. I sighed before quickly getting out of my bed grabbing my suit and tie... because I liked to be formal.

I brushed my teeth which is the thing baccas don't normally do. Yet I chose to do it so I can do it! Which still somewhere deep inside feels weird but I ignore that. I brushed... the fur on the top of my head before walking outside to see baccas surrounding a cage...with a human child!

I sighed walking over to the cage people looked at me before leaving as I kept walking closer and closer towards the cage. The kid looked up at me his brown eyes glistening the the viable sun light that got pass the trees. He was about the age of ten which was one age below mine, he had brown messy hair that of course matched his eye color, he wasn't wearing shoes but he wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Um... hello?" He said breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked down at him " um hi... my names Jerome you must be a human..." I said and he nodded. "Prince Jerome... by order of the king still ruling the human is sentenced to death tomorrow and 8:00am when all baccas wake up" a guard said. "My dad can't do this! This is only a child! He can't do any harm!" I said the human boy was now desperately trying to get out.

"Sorry your highness but it is official... he will be killed so that humans will never know our location" the guard said before leaving. I sighed looking at the boy before ruffling his hair. The boy just smiled and did the same to me as I smiled back and that is when I knew I had a connection with this boy... this child I had just met a few minutes ago!

-time skip-

it was getting dark and it was starting to rain... of course I had to go back inside my separate house from the castle... but I just couldn't leave this child out here in the cold for without warmth he might die. We had so many conversations the past few hours and this was... I guess a goodbye.

I looked at him one last time before walking into my house. I sighed flopping down onto the bed "I'm gonna miss that kid..." I said before dozing off to sleep.

-another boring time skip to only a few hours later-

I was woken up by the slamming of a door being shut. I completely ignored it trying to go back to sleep before someone shook me a bit saying my name. I quickly opened my eyes seeing the kid shaking me.

"Wait what?! How did you get out of the cage?" I asked but he didn't respond. "W-we got to get out of here... someone's coming to the village and he's planning to destroy everything... he's unstoppable I've seen him!" The human said before dragging me out of my house.

Outside I saw the castle exploded and houses on fire dead baccas everywhere. "We need to leave now dood!" He said panicking he ran off as I stared at a large figure destroying things. I shortly ran after the human following on all fours right behind him catching up. He soon stopped probably out of breath, I stood beside him as he took a couple of deep breaths.

"So...when you told me you came from the nether were you kidnapped by herobrine?" I asked him and he looked up at me hesitating before nodding. "Everyone I know I-is gone..." he said and I suddenly felt really bad for him. I hugged him now knowing how he feels probably because my family is dead now as well. I pulled away from the hug and looked around quickly figuring out the route to the next town or city.

"Cmon buddy let's keep going ever tree city is just past a bunch of these jungle trees" I said as we soon started walking. "Hey um... I forgot to ask you something" I said and he looked at me. "What's your name?" I asked him and he just smiled. "My names Mitch" he said.

-meanwhile back at the bacca town-

The mysterious figure took out a small metal cube and pressing a button holding it down as he spoke. "Master the request Mitchell has asked for is complete..." it spoke. "Good soon this world will fall to my control" a voice said over the machine before laughing like a maniac.

In the beginning Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum