Chapter 7 -seperation-

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-Adams pov-

Wow. watching Mitch chase off those bullies was amazing! Hopefully I'll be able to kill squids who get in my way, once I'm old enough. "Ok kids! It's time for adoption time! Get in a line, the adults don't want to keep waiting outside." I heard a lady say as all the kids quickly ran out of the room. The whole team crafted stayed. Mitch took a step towards where all the kids were going but Jerome quickly pulled him back into his arms not letting him go.

"W-what's the big deal with this whole adoption thing?" Mitch asked and everyone looked at each other. "Because we would be separated from everyone else if we got adopted." I said.

"We wouldn't have anymore pillow fights!" Ty said

"We wouldn't be able to see each other!" Jason said.

"Team crafted wouldn't have fun together anymore..." Ian said.

"Oh... so that's why you guys don't go with the other kids" Mitch said. "Children you need to come... you can't live here forever." One of the ladies said walking towards us. "You can't make us!" Quentin said as the lady sat down next to us. "You're right. I can't make you go with the other children, that's why I brought some of the parents to you." She said as some adults came in. "Run!" Ty yelled as we all panicked running around trying to escape.

I made my way under a few boxes piled up in a corner hoping nobody would find me. Sadly I was found by someone, "hello little one. You must be a leader to these kids, I have heard a lot about you so I guess I would know you made a team." I heard the person say in a bit of a soft voice. I looked up to see the one and only notch. My body couldn't move, I was shocked mostly to see someone as popular as him here! To adopt somebody!

"You're coming with me you little leader." He said carefully picking me up. I got used to him as I sighed in defeat.Ian was getting adopted by a nice looking woman. I recognized the old looking man talking to Mitch and Jason as a great wizard from the stories I heard. Jerome was being adopted by a woman who was dressed like she was ready for a hike. Ty was waiting as a man with headphones signed a few papers. Quentin was walking out the door with a woman with a Pokémon backpack on her.

Everything... everything was happening so quickly I didn't even realize I was getting carried out the door...

-Jason's pov-

The old man had soon finished talking to me and Mitch. He had said he was looking for kids he could adopt to accompany his other son. He knew we would be the right choices because, as he explained, we had powers just like him. "Seto my son. Come in and meet you new siblings!" I heard the old man say as my eyes widened by the name Seto.

Seto walked in, he was now taller than last time for he was now a few inches taller than me! He had his usual clothes on except, they looked more fancy. I smiled and ran up to him giving him a big hug as he seemed surprised to see me here. "Seto! You're back!" I said as he looked down at me. "J-Jason?! I thought you would have been adopted by now! Some of the women in town I heard wanted to adopt you so badly that they would steal you if they were capable!" He said and I giggled.

"They can never take me!" I said with a triumphant look on my face. "Well I suppose you and that other kid are living with me now! Welcome to the family." He said with a smile. "I have a name... it's Mitchell or Mitch." Mitch said to Seto. Seto had given him a look before looking away a little. "Yea whatever Mitchell..." Seto said earning a glare from Mitch who had probably hated people calling him that.

"Seto I advise you don't talk to Mitch like that, try treating him like a brother... everyone knows how hard it's been for him." I whispered to Seto before Seto sighed. "Fine..." he said. "Welcome to the family as well... Mitch" seto said bringing Mitch close to us.

"I'm glad to be part of the family."

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