Walk around

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Blue woke up to see error hugging her while he slept.
Blue: hehe...you look so cute when you sleep.
Error slowly woke up.
Error: * yawns * hi blue...
Blue: hi sweetie~
Error: please don't call me that...
Error gets out of bed and kisses blue on the cheek.
Error: so what do we do today?
Blue:well today all my friends will be working again so...why don't we walk around for a while?
Error: okay...let me just take a shower okay?
Blue:okay...I'll see you down stairs.
* time skip*
Both were walking around town when they stopped at grillbys to grab a bite. They then finished and they walked for a bit more until error got tired.
Error: how can you walk this much and not get tired??
Blue: I don't know...
A man then came up to blue.
Man: hey cutie...want to come to my place.
Blue: no...
Man: come on...it will be fun...
Error:*looks at him*want to have a bad time...
Man: n-no I was just ...uh...bye...* walks off*
Blue: error you do know I can take care of myself...
Error:oh really...* smiles at her*
Blue:shut up...
This all happened while a girl watched from far.
girl: be happy for right now error...because one day...I will come get you and destroy all you love...and especially frisk and blue...

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