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* blue's p.o.v. *
I was walking back home with error after our date. Me and error have never went on a date and he seemed pretty nervous that he was going to mess something up. I don't really mind if he did. All I wanted was to be with him forever.

-time skip-

When we finally arrived to the house I instantly went to the couch and flopped down on it.
" you really are tired aren't you"

I sighed with sleepiness.
" yeah..."
" well sleep tight..."

He gave me a peck on the forehead and went upstairs to go take a shower. Before he got to the top I was already asleep.

~ Dream ~

I felt that I was falling into open air until I felt that I was standing up. I opened my eyes to see my self in a familiar place...the judgment hall. In front of me was my brother.
" it's a beautiful day outside..."
"Paps...what's going on"
birds are singing...
"flowers are blooming...
on days like these...people like you..."

His left eye suddenly turned orange.
" should be burning in hell"

Before I could say anything paps sent a wave of bones. I prepared to block them but before I could red cables appeared and blocked them. I turned around and saw error. The look on his face scared me...but the shadow behind him scared me more.
" again..."

I looked around and saw nothing as error made gaster blasters appear and shoot papyrus.
Paps dogged them easily and shot another wave of bones.
"Do it again..."

I heard the same voice but didn't see anyone else except error and papyrus. But when I turned back to error I saw the shadow form something...or someone. And that someone...turned and looked at me.
" The end can't be avoided..."
" what do you mean?"
The shadow then formed a shape. And then I front of me was error.
" you'll understand when it happens..."

A gaster blaster appeared and aimed it straight at me.
" see you around...blueberry "

And the next thing I saw was pure white.

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