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* Blue's POV*
When error told me his plan to bring his father back,the weird soul,and also how it went wrong I was astonished.
"Why would you bring him back?"
"That's a secret I have to keep..."
"Error I was worried that you got hurt."
"Well you shouldn't be. I'm the strongest sans in the whole multiverse."

After he said that I stayed silent as I tried to process all that happened.
"Okey then. Thanks for saving me by the the way."
"No problem. I'd do anything to save you."
"But we have another problem. Apparently the anti-monster group ha been more busy lately."
"Let's hope nothing to severe happens because of them."
"Yeah...lets hope."
In my head I imagined all my friends gone. Everyone.
I quickly shook that though out of my head.
"Let's hope that never happens."
My phone then began to ring.
I picked it up and saw it was papyrus. I then pushed answer.
"Hi paps"
"Papyrus is available right now."
I heard a feminine voice on the other side.
"Who is this?"
"No one. I'm here to talk to error."
"Error has a bit of a...problem right now."
"Put it on speaker then."
I pushed the speaker button.
"Someone wants to speak to you."
"Hello error. It me."
I saw his eyes widen.
"I'm just here to tell you that I knew what you were trying to do."
"How do you know and what do you want?"
"That's a secret and I also called to tell you....your sister needs help. And she needs it now."
"What do you want from her?!?!"
"Oh nothing. It's something from you I want."
"And what is that?"
"Come to me and I'll take away those souls from you. An if you don't...don't expect to see your sister again.
The call ended as I looked over to error.
His face had pure rage and anger
As he walked away.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to save my sister..."
"From who...?"
"From Chara..."

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