Is this where it all ends...?

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*Error's POV*
I heard Chara laugh.
"Those blasters won't change anything. "
"Let's see if you can dodge them all."
I made more appear and shot them at her.
Chara swiftly moved without effort.
"Nothing you do can stop now!"
She laughed like a maniac and came at me with her knife.
She was practically a blur as I dogged the attack.
I somehow knew that if her knife ever hit me I was dead.
"You can't  dodge forever."
That's how it went for hours.
She kept attacking as I kept dodging .
That is until she stopped behind my sister.
"If can't kill you. I might as well kill you the ones you love!"
She then did something that I would never forget.
She stabbed my sister in the back as she screamed in pain.
Part of my soul felt cold and dark.
My sister then turned to me.
"Don't let her win..."
She ten fell to the floor and slowly turned to dust.
As I looked at her the world went dark.
The darkness consumed everything except me, Chara , and blue.
"Give up. It's over."
"Okey then. You're choice."
She stabbed blue so hard that the knife went through her.
She fell down to the floor as she smiled at me.

She then turned to dust in front of me.

One Soul, One Love.   Where stories live. Discover now