O precious Syrian child

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Amongst the dead and the wounded
The rubble and the dust
Lies a child
Heart alive but covered in rust

Abandoned, displaced
Sorrowfully in haste
Limbs contract and flutter towards the beating core
In pursuit of warmth lost to
the harshness of
The cold rain
Acid black bombs

O precious Syrian child
I have no words for you
Nor know how to comfort you
For indeed what you are feeling echoes not in me
At a loss for words as Assad, Putin and the rest of the world
Lie idly by
I question their humanity and
I'm so sorry

O precious Syrian child
Grim and grotesque it is
The world right now
And I ask, 'why not me?'
At the sight of so many
Slaughtered and humiliated, assaulted and oppressed
So much oppression
My place instead of yours
Yours instead of mine
Why not?
Why you?

O precious Syrian child
Precious though cast aside
You are not forgotten, nor will you be
For how can you when your screams are heard?
Your face seen?
And the world knows and
I know
But we don't act and seem deaf, dumb
And blind
Perhaps because we are

O precious Syrian child
I'd like to say
Though I'm not in the position to
I have no right
But I owe you so much:
A precious child like you
Deserves more than what this world gave you
So don't think this the end
You are beginning to live
And live you will
In a land of vibrant green and rushing rivers of blue

Save Our Souls and other poemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt