The Pink Sweater

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A hilarious story about Elton John that was actually based entirely off of a dream I had! 

Circa 1975.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the vibrant, yellow sun, casting its rays over my face and licking my cheek like a flame. Beside me I felt a warm body laying gently on the sheets. I took a peek over my shoulder, and it's him, all stretched out and awaken from a pleasant dream.
"Hey, good morning there, sweetie." I said to him, and he turned over to face me. He had bags under his bluish-green eyes, and his hair was all ruffled and matted in 40 different directions- what's left of it, anyways.
Elton stared at me with a kind, but dreary smile. "Hi there, love." He just said, then blinked at me and smiled a little bit harder. We stared for a few solid minutes, admiring our wondrous morning hairstyles.
"I've been thinking," He said, moving up and out of the covers a little, "if we could do some shopping later this afternoon." Elton took his cute hand and placed on my shoulder, and I shake my head.
"Oh boy. Again?" I sighed, having this been the 3rd time we've gone shopping this week. It was only Tuesday.
"Darling, you don't have to go. But I would love your help." He hinted to me, winking shyly. I was about to shake my head "no" again, but he did the trick that wins me over every single time. I didn't have the chance to speak, because he got up and leaned over my head and lifted up my chin, just so he could give me a long smooch on the lips. And he didn't stop until I blushed.
"Okay! Okay, Elton! Gee, I'll go shopping later!" Giggling, we got up out of bed and made our rounds to the kitchen.

It was a quarter to four and I was in the car, waiting for Elton to come out of the house. I looked over the dashboard and into the distance, where I saw Elton in his tall red and silver platform boots on. The rhinestones twinkled in the sunlight. I watched as he attempted to run in the long, tall grass, tripping over rocks and branches.
"Aghh!" He nearly fell, though he laughed, trying to play it cool. He looked like a little kid, if you want to know the truth. And acted like one, too.
"Elton, hurry up!" I cry out the window as he approaches the car, "You've been wanting to go all day, now get over here!" He tripped over a pebble and landed head first into a ditch, but quickly got to his feet and brushed off the dirt, pretending like it didn't happen. When he finally got to the car, I had been waiting for 10 minutes.
"Elton. Elton!" I lean my head back and sigh, pointing to his nearly 6-inch platforms, "Why did you choose these to go shopping in?"
He looked down at his boots, then back up at me with a confused look. Of course, he thought they were the perfect shoes.
"I'm fine, darling, I'm fin-"
"You just tripped."
"Well there's not gonna be any pebbles in the store!" He began to whine like a baby.
"Elton," I said, patting the other seat for him to come inside, "Let's go. We don't got all day."
"Yeah," He moaned, getting into the car and hitting his head on the ceiling from the extra height of his boots, "I got a concert tonight and I wanna find the best clothes."
"What?" I looked over to him, and almost began to laugh at his ridiculousness, "You go shopping ALL the time, you have at least 500 sets of clothes in your closet at home alone- and you're meaning to tell me you can't find ONE pair for tonight's show?"
Scratching his head, he looked at the floorboard and smiled to himself, trying to look innocent.
"No..." He whispered cutely.
"Dammit, Elton! Fine. Let's go to the store." We took off for some of the downtown shops, and I wasn't too happy about it. Although deep down, a part of me sort of liked tending to his needs.

We had been shopping at 4 different stores with varies style clothings, and we had come up with nothing. The show was starting soon, and Elton knew he had to be on his way quickly. He began panicking, throwing the clothes he didn't like onto the floor and ripping hangers of the poles.
"Reginald!" I screamed, smacking him with the back of my hand like a mother, "Look at the mess you created!"
"I told them I'd pay for any damages."
"That doesn't make it right!" I yelled, picking up some of the clothes. He watched as I picked them up, scratching his bald head nervously.
"The show starts in 2 hours. I got to find a shirt-"
"Help me pick this shit up!" I order, and he listened, reluctantly.
When the mess was cleaned up, I apologized to one of the workers there. She was very kind and gracious, and understanding of Elton. I think she thought he had some sort of dependent personality disorder, and she probably though I was his mother. Even though he was 8 years older than me and we were dating. But, that's besides the point.
I told Elton I was going to search a different side of the store, but I didn't say what. For the fun of it, I went over to the ladies section and was admiring some of the shirts there. Okay, I admit, it was for myself, but I still tried to find something boyish there that I though would make Elton look cute. Of course, I didn't find much.
I was over in the sweater sections, looking for a cute sweater for the winter for myself. There were green ones, red ones, blue ones, but there was only one pink one, poking its sleeve out for me to grab. I took it off the hanger and gave it a long look- it had subtle sparkles in it, and a big, blue rose on the left front of the sweater. It was adorned with small pink buttons. It was a total girls sweater, and it made me chuckle. I just had to see his reaction on this.
Holding up the pastel pink sweater into the air, I called out for Elton across the store. "Hey, E, how'd ya like this one?" I giggled to myself.
But what I heard next, I was never expecting in my life.
"Oh my goodness, baby, this is the one!" He rushed over, standing before me with huge, puppy-dog eyes. I lowered the sweater, and he snatched it and brought it up to his chest. He gave the sweater a long, brooding stare, then proceeded to smile and nod. I couldn't believe that he was serious about this sweater.
"This is it. I gotta get it." He muttered, cradling the sweater in his arms like a baby.
"Uuuhhh Elton?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "This is a woman's sweater. Are you sure it'll fit?" I didn't even try to question why he found the sweater so appealing anymore.
He fiddled about with the tag on the collar to find a size.
"Extra large." He said, then smiled at me with a happy look of a child's. I took a glance at the sweater with pity. It probably wasn't expecting to be worn by a man in his late 20s, but, ya never know in a world like this. I shook my head with a small laugh.
"Don't ya think you'll look a bit silly on stage in that?" I asked.
"Look at all the other things I've worn!" He exclaimed, holding the sweater to his heart. He was right. But... he really did take a strong liking to an unusual piece of fabric. I decided it wasn't worth trying to convince him otherwise, so we walked over to the cash register and bought the girly sweater for him.

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