The Garden of Patience

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(This is a self-insert story. You are literally you in the story... and you're about to have an enchanting, alluring encounter with the love of your life, Elton John! You can imagine him in any era you'd like~ the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. For for this is a story that's meant to tickle your fancy! This was written with the ladies in mind.)

At the first shadows of the night, when the great, orange sun was just merely hanging over the horizon, you slipped into a light, thin jacket to protect your arms from the cool chills. Even during the midst of summer, the nighttime air could nip at your skin if you stayed exposed for extended lengths of time. You knew you were going to be out for awhile, so you even wore your thickest socks to keep your toes warm for the evening's aura.
You were finally at the bottom of the elegant staircase, calmly waiting for the man upstairs to make his way down. He had requested for your company, alone, together someplace where he pleased. You were both anxious and delighted to know just what he had in mind. Hopefully he'd come down in time.
At last, Elton emerged at the top of the steps, walking down like a lavish model in his thousand-dollar boots and jacket. He always looked stunning in the clothes he wore, but this time tonight he looked more than just proper. He looked impeccable; perfect. Covering his torso and chest was a red and black suit, adorned with sparkles around the collar and neck. Inside his pocket was a beautiful little red rose and handkerchief- it was so flawless it looked fake. You couldn't help but to stare in awe as he gracefully made  his way down the staircase, mesmerized the sound of his boots clacking down each individual step. He approached you, with a kind look in his eyes, and then you noticed that he  was missing his glasses.
"Elton," You smiled, still bewildered by his astounding charm, "Where are your glasses?"
"I don't need them." He came down, level to your gaze and smiled, "I'd like to see your face under the moonlight with my own two eyes for once."
Heart beat slowly rising, you couldn't help but to crack a small smile his precious comment. You both remained eye contact for awhile, a sweet lull, until Elton peered over your shoulder at the kitchen counter behind you.
"I'd like to go grab you something real quick." He slightly rushed, heading for the kitchen to retrieve a little goodie. When he returned, he held a delicious looking vanilla and chocolate milkshake in a fragile glass; topped with whip cream and a shiny red cherry.
He handed it to you and you took it graciously, until he said,
"I was going to make two, one for myself and one for you. But I ran out of milk at the last minute. So I let you have it."
"Oh, thank you Elton," You smiled to yourself, though he could see, "But I don't mind sharing it with you." 
He looked up at you and scratched his neck.
"I'm not going to finish this all by myself anyways." You continued.
"You sure?" He asked, looking to repeat whether he had your permission to drink it or not.
"Yes, I'll share." You reassured.
"Great, I wanted to give it a try myself!" He grinned, but he then told you that you could take the first sip anyways.
It was very thick, but it was tempting and savoring as it went into your mouth. Some began to drip down your chin and you licked your lips- he sure knew how to make great shakes!
"Elton, this is very good. Try it." You handed him the drink and he happily took the second sip from the same straw. His eyebrows rose as high as they could.
"Oh dear, you're right! This is fantastic. I'm pleased I can make a shake!" He laughed, for he was very content and satisfied with this new talent he discovered.
You and Elton continued to sip it a few more times until a sudden, urgent desire in your chest took over. It was time to ask what he had planned for you.
"Hey," You looked up at him and meekly tried to hide a blush, "W-what were we going to do tonight, anyways?"
With gentle, deep hazel eyes, he smiled at you in a way that no other man could do. It successfully sent your heart pleasantly aflutter, 
"I want to take you to my garden," He pointed, "And it's out in the backyard. Come with me, darling."
He took your hand and began to tug you in his direction, but you resisted momentarily.
"What? Wait, your garden?" You tilted your head in confusion, "How can we see-"
"You'll be able to see, baby, it's not dark. There's many special surprises awaiting for you there." He began to sound like a little boy, desperately trying to impress his school crush.
You spoke louder, "You sound crazy, have you gone mad?" 
He laughed and shook his head sweetly, "No, no I promise, you'll love this garden. Trust me." And he pulled you along with him outside into the starry night, unable to leave the tasty milkshake behind, either.

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