How I Love You More Each Day

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(Mega long poetry I wrote about/for Elton John. 
No story here, just a load of personal feelings.)

True love is not the same for everyone
They'll think I'm mad for finding you
And crazier for falling deep in love
With all the little things that you do
But how could I hold back my feelings?
Oh Elton, you make me want to believe
That a love with you is a love bound true
And with you all my goals are achieved

With each night's passing I am reminded of you
I've been deeply graced to be in your embrace
I've never wanted to leave your tender arms
Even through my dreams you fill up that space
But people just say it's infatuation
How I'll never love you when the morning awakes
And how in the world are people so cruel?
As if my love for you isn't a heartache

Elton, I can't leave you where you are
I can't forget the love that you bring
Tell me why your deeper, gentle voice
Is what's causing my heart to sting?
If there's someone listening, listen on
For I know- Elton it's going to be you
I can hear your breath linger in my ear
You're a man that's tried and true

Trust me when I say that I saw you
Defenseless and left in pieces to die
Your body naked and exposed to hatred
But I would never believe in those lies
Becuase I don't think you fully comprehend
How I'd pay twice of the given price
To lie down on a cushion and be hugged by your warmth
And to bask under your sweet paradise

It isn't a sin for me to say I love you
But some would rather see me dead
Than listen to my love songs about you
Through my heart they've been mislead
And I won't give up on you, never ever again
Oh Elton you're my habitual romance
I give in, will you give back?
Do you think the world would give us a chance?

And now the sun is set, for you and me
The world falls asleep in the palm of our hands
Will you sing me a song? Maybe Your Song?
And let love beyond the heartlands
When I lie beside you, I want to think,
"Does anybody else know love in this way?"
You wouldn't have to kiss me;  your eyes are enough
I see grey skies clearing from earlier today

This isn't wrong, but this isn't me
I didn't plan to make our love a mystery
We might be worlds apart but I still think
How maybe we could start new history
And how can one girl be so full of love
And not have a man to share it with tonight?
The only paths that I have taken
Are lonelier ones by candlelight

I'll miss you when you're gone, but hell,
I still miss you when you're here
Please Elton, you know what medicine I need
So give me my pills that make pain disappear
Because people are so unkind
Don't you know what kind of love's been deprived?
It hurts to know that others hate us
They'll demolish us when we arrive

And even though I'm still in chains
Used as a slave, a very shy girl
And you're still naked and weary
You've been abused by the world
But yet we still have each other
That's something to never lose
And how I love you more each day
How I need the man in you

So Elton, I love you.

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